
  • There was an immigrant on a talk show I was listenng to who lives in Califprnia and said she was better off in her own Country then she is now and was contemplating going back.The Dems sure have ruined this Country.

    • Shirley, it isn't only the devildemocommiecrats, the gop establishment is falling all over themselves pandering while they bluster and bleat to deceive conservative voters into thinking they are on our side!!!!!!!!!!


    • Very true. The reason why I consider them only as the party of the lesser of two evils with very little difference between the two.


  • No, well maybe??  This is my thoughts. The Hispanic community is waking up, too the facts that the welfare mindset Which was very prevalent in my part of the world years. Was nothing but a way to control  the population, no way out. Totally dependant on the Government. No way to get ahead. No way to a betterment of life. And the Democratic party was all about that, you are are locked in to welfare, food stamps, and Mediciade.  Ugly!! 

  • Remember Ole Joes words to the Black gentleman interviewing him quote: "If you don't vote for me, You ain't Black... man". Apparently the Democrat Party told the Hispanic community something simular? 

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