
  • Steve

    Put the following on your list to send to Congress... highlight it and make it the first item.

    Draft, debate, and pass Articles of Impeachment for sedition, treason, malfeasance in office, failure to comply with one's 'oath of office', lying to Congress and the American people... Add several counts of corruption including receiving bribes, and taking campaign money from foreign interests,  Start with presenting Articles of Impeachment for debate and approval for the following individuals:

    Pres. Biden, VP Harris, Secretary of State Bilken, Secretary of Defense Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Millie, Secretary of Homeland Secuirty Mayorkas, Attorney General Merrit,  FBI Director Wray,  the CIA Director, and NSA Directors. Make these the first round' of articles of Impeachment.

    Use the hearings on the Articles to expose the rampant criminal activity and malfeasance now operating in government...  it is not necessary that the 'Articles' pass in the House or make it to trial in the US Senate... What is important is that the patriot takes CONTROL of the narrative to expose the massive corruption in government... Hearings on Impeachment (removal of offenders) will keep the narrative focused on the corruption in government in the public eye thru the 2024 election cycle... making demands for resignations, emphasizing the need for primary challenges, the initiation of criminal investigations, etc.

    Congress and the GOP must Take the OFFENSIVE ... establish the political narrative. One doesn't win wars by sitting on their hands and wishing the enemy would go away...  We must become verbally and physically committed to taking back our government and that starts with removing the CANCER from the heart of our government institutions... The Cancer is found in both political parties. 

    Draft and present resolutions to EXPEL the following members of Congress... for malfeasance and failure to comply with their oaths of office,  the entire Congression leadership... of both political parties... Schumer, McConnell, et all  leadership positions.  Pay close attention to their relationship with China and the open border and WOK policies... their ramifications for treason and sedition.  

  • The Chairman shows distinct bias or incompetence.

    If a term "Liar" does not only serve as an inflammatory ejaculative

    (such as the example,"SHITWIT!")

    but rather in truth accurately describes a substantiated previous, current, or inherent condition of someone, then the term is not a slur.

    If the chair discounts the term "Liar" due to the technical letter of procedural ettiquette, then he follows prodedure ignorantly, without clear understanding of the ettiquettes intentions. Obscuring truth is safely said to not be one of them.

    But if he thinks the term,"Liar" can never be used in proper discourse because it has no truth-value, he would be biased to the exclusion of other benefits, the revelation of truth being a key interest. A poor Chairman for any committee.

    • Absolutely... etiquette should never be considered a reason to limit TRUTH... Mayorka is a liar and Congress needs to refer him for criminal prosecution.  The Speaker needs to intervene and remove the Chairman for allowing this motion to be sustained.  It is time to ID such GOP Asses for what they are and to remove them from positions of leadership... if not expel them from Congress.  I am sick of such individuals... just what do they think to accomplish by siding with the ENEMIES OF THE US and MAYORKAS policies on the border.   

  • She has more backbone than most men. She is a strong women. God Bless her. 

  • MTG you Go Girl!!

  • She only told the truth -  something the Marxists (formerly Democrats and RINOS) find it impossible to do.

  • Morfe MTG's is exactly what we need in congress. She would make one hell of a good VP for Trump.

    • Klaus, I couldn't agree more!!!!!  Greene is one of the very few patriots in the federal government!!!!!  Most of them, including the gop establishment controlled by TRAITORS mcconnell and mccarthy  are globalist marxists or at least favor them in hopes of being part of the ruling cabal here once the new world order takes over!!!!!  Greene, Gaetz, Hawley, Paul, Blackburn, and a few others are the only ones fighting for liberty!!!!!!!!!!


  • Love her!! She calls them out and they can't stand it.

  • Truth and free speech is dead in America!

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