
  • MARJORIE is considered a KOOK by many on the left and some on the right, But the facts are pretty clear she has exposed on many occassions what  they are trying to hide from the american people, As for the leaker of classified information what he did was wrong and he will spend many years in prison paying for his crime, But by leaking this information he has exposed the real truth about the war in UKRAINE and the fact that there are U.S. TROOPS on the ground there a fact that has not been reveasled to the american people. The VERY SERIOUS QUESTION WE SHOULD BE ASKING WHY ARE U.S. TROOPS THERE? WHO SENT THEM THERE? AND WHAT IS THEIR MISSION? What HAPPENS IF THESE TROOPS COME UNDER ATTACK? DO THEY DEFEND THEMSELVES? OR HAVE THEY BEEN ORDERED TO STAND DOWN? We should all be contacting our elected officials and find out the answere to these questions.. Again i repeat myself WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO  BUSINESS SENDING  U.S. TROOPS into the conflict in UKRAINE, We should be demanding that they be pulled out immediately, America has gone far enough in support of UKRAINE.We could very well be at the door step of war with a nation with NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAPABILITY, i CANT IMAGINE THAT u.s. troops are in UKRAINE AND OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE UNAWARE OR MISINFORMED AND NOT EVEN RAISED ANY CONCERNS, we have to wake up simply because wASHINGTON IS OUT OF CONTROL. America must and will always defend ourselves but this IS NOT OUR WAR, EURPOE SHOULD BE VERY CONCERNED  about the war in UKRAINE more so than America.America is not the WORLDS POLICE FORCE, We cant always be the FIRST IN AND THE LAST ONE OUT. I intend on contacting my Senators and HOUSE MEMBERS and ask them why are our troops there and why they have  not raised any concerns about it.

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