If you’re not a big fan of the Chinese Communist Party these days, join the club. No matter how the CCP and their well-funded enablers in American media try to distract and gaslight you, the fact remains that China is directly responsible for the massive disruption that the coronavirus has caused in all our lives. The virus is a fire, and the arsonist is China. Say what you want about Trump’s competence as our fire chief, but he did not do this to us.
So the following item makes me uneasy. Natalie Solis, KDFW in Dallas-Ft. Worth:
Mysterious seeds are showing up in North Texas mailboxes and state authorities say Texas agriculture could be at risk.
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said 200 residents have received unsolicited seed packets sent by mail that appeared to have originated in China. Texas is one of nearly 30 states that have issued a warning.
“We don’t want people opening those up, don’t put them in the mail, certainly don’t plant them. Contact us. Let us pick them up. Treat them like they are radioactive, like they are Kryptonite,” Miller said.
Some of the packages are labeled as containing jewelry or personal electronics, but inside are these packets of unidentified seeds.
Uh… why?
This is happening in over half of our states. So far. It sure does seem like someone in China is making a concerted effort to do… something.
Is it crazy to think this could be a form of biological warfare, introducing invasive species to destroy our crops? Is it nuts to wonder if China is trying to interfere with our food supply? Maybe. But six months ago, it would’ve been crazy to wonder if China had released a virus, advertently or not, that would end up crippling the entire world’s economy. You would’ve laughed at Alex Jones for saying it, and it’s happening right now.
Thank God Trump is breaking the ties of the US to China's 5G.
US President Donald Trump’s fury with China’s 5G security trickery will be laid bare in September after a deadline contained in the Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020 expires.
China is on a path to end America dominance and by any means. They want to control the world. SEEDS now, is it bio warefare like the COVID VIRUS? could be w/China anything can happen. Do not open them or plant them.