Va sen louise lucas | |

A Virginia state senator and several NAACP officials were slapped with two felony charges over their alleged roles in the destruction of a Confederate statue by a mob in Portsmouth, Virginia. A protester received life-altering injuries in that incident when a statue fell on his head.

Portsmouth Police Chief Angele Greene announced the charges in a media briefing Monday.

"As the result of our efforts in this matter, we have identified and secured arrest warrants of numerous individuals who conspired, organized, and participated in the felonious acts on June 10th. This investigation yielded the same results of holding individuals who commit crimes in our city accountable but was done in a safe manner so that my officers and no other members of the public were harmed," Greene said.

"Therefore on today's date, felony warrants for conspiracy to commit a felony and felony injury to a monument in excess of $1,000, have been obtained for the following individuals: Senator L. Louise Lucas, NAACP representative James Boyd, NAACP representative Louie Gibbs, NAACP representative LaKeesha Atkinson," she continued.

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  • This is not nearly enough of a penalty. A person has "Life-Altering" injuries. A monument owned by WE the People own that statue and no one asked me if they could take it down. 

    Now WE the Ransacked have to pay all over again. These people should have been shot. Now, I have said what I have been thinking all along. 

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