House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said during a virtual Sojourner Truth Project event last week that ousting Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) will give them significant power to pass legislation because they can pass bills with a simple majority in the Senate using reconciliation.
Pelosi spoke virtually at the Sojourner Truth Project on December 22 via Zoom. During the event, she discussed how Georgia Senate Democrat candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock’s potential victories would give Democrats significant power to pass legislation in Congress. She compared their Democrats’ potential power to having essentially 60 votes in the Senate.
“One more thing, because you know how I’m about numbers, when we win these two seats, plus Kamala Harris breaking the tie, it’ll be like getting 60 votes because once we have even the simple majority, we can vote for reconciliation, which means that you only need 51 votes to pass certain legislation,” Pelosi said.
The Senate typically needs 60 votes to pass legislation through the chamber; however, some bills in the Senate can pass with a simple majority through budgetary reconciliation. Reconciliation allows Congress to pass bills affecting spending, revenue, or deficit levels.
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Corruption is the prevailing situation in government with the gop deep state being in control of everything except President Trump!!!!!
isn't that the truth?
But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem, ( The evil one fraught with peril, their liberty, which is at ease, service of Christ). Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.1 Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest Republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 17872
How often have we waited and hoped that Republicans would stand up and assert them selves? Far too many times; in the 60 plus years I have been voting, I've lost track of the times they have just melted and, literally, "snatched defeat- -from the jaws of victory", when victory was simply their's to take.
June, they are just doing what their owners pay them to do, lay down and let libtards have their way!!!!!!
Well, I AM "one of the owners" and I did NOT give anyone permission to lay down on the job!
Unfortunately this is true - it is not good for the country and will probably lead to civil war.
We are in a war right now between the constitution and the Democratic party, and the people are suffering for it.
To put it mildly.
This would be an absolute trajedy. Of course Nancy Pelosi is too stupid to read or understand the Constitution. In my opinion she is conspiring with the Chinese to take down the USA. She should be tried for TREASON!
I have a strong feeling if the Democrats win George - which they will certainly try to do by cheating (we already know the Stacey Adbrams pac sent thousands of ballots to people who do not live in Georgia) our country is headed for a civil war. And it will be far more devastating than the war that freed the slaves.