
    • "Would have to be a constitutional Atty..."

      Therein lies much of our problem... the US Constitution was written using the common language of the Colonies... English.  It was not written in Latin or the more flowery languages of the day.  The language in the Constitution was intended for consumption by the command man. Our founding fathers wanted the average citizen to be able to understand the powers granted by the Constitution to the federal government, the several states, and the people, that they were being asked to ratify. The Constitution is not so complex that the average man may not understand its language or intentions.

      Today, the Petitfoggers and wizards of linguistic cacophony, tell us we can't understand the Constitution... it is too complex... we MUST accept their interpretations of its text. However, this only works when HONEST and moral men engage in the practice of law.  We must have lawyers and judges with Godly morals, whose intent is not to use their offices for expedient political gain ... Our Constitution will not operate as intended with an amoral, activist judiciary and legal profession.


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