

Nancy Pelosi's top priority is to turn America into a one-party nation ruled by Democrats. Her bill, H.R. 1, to be voted on this week, trashes the U.S. Constitution in an attempt to rig the system and make it virtually impossible to elect a Republican president or Congress again. It's a power grab.


The bill eviscerates state voting laws and forces all the states to conform to a set of rules that includes automatic voter registration. Anyone who goes to a DMV or applies for food stamps, Medicaid or other social services, or attends a public college will be automatically enrolled to vote. Noncitizens are obligated to identify themselves and opt-out, but there are no criminal penalties if they don't. From California to New York, Dems are already pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. They see this as their roadmap to a future permanent majority

H.R. 1's bag of tricks also includes banning state voter ID requirements. Anyone can show up on Election Day to vote, registered or not, and simply sign a statement that they're a legal voter. H.R. 1 is being sold as a reform to make voting easier. In truth, it makes cheating easier.

H.R. 1 compels states to send out absentee or mail-in ballots universally, favoring Democrats who tend to use this method. It also forces states to count ballots that arrive by mail as late as 10 days after the election. Say goodbye to election night finality.

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