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For the first time, disabled and wounded officers are speaking out about an incident that occurred over the weekend at a NASCAR race at Texas Motor City Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas.

On Saturday, a group of disabled officers injured in the line of duty were seated as guests of top female NASCAR driver Angela Ruch. After the race, they asked NASCAR track security if they could take a photo with her vehicle benefitting The Wounded Blue organization, which was painted in tribute to more than 120 fallen officers killed in the line of duty. 

And that’s when the trouble started.

OUTRAGEOUS: NASCAR staff asks for visibly disabled officer to be arrested at Texas Motor City Speedway after he asked permission to take a photo with vehicle honoring fallen officers

A NASCAR staffer asked the disabled officers to leave and to stop taking pictures, and when they explained that they had asked permission to take a photo with the vehicle, NASCAR staff called the Police.

When Fort Worth police officers arrived, the NASCAR staffer asked that they be arrested for trespassing — even though they were invited guests of a NASCAR driver, were ticketed to the event, and had even passed a drug test (a requirement to be authorized as a guest inside the VIP section with the driver and her team).

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