
  • All part of their game w/us.  This is no more realistic if WE STOP THEM and VOTE THEM OUT.   IT is dangerous to wear.  You breath in O2 and you are not supposed to re-inhale the CO2 you breath out.  May things can happen.  She has got to go.

  • Masks cause these effects—

    We breathe in 02.  When oxygen levels in your body are low, the result is hypoxia or hypoxemia. Hypoxia affects your tissues. Hypoxemia occurs in the blood. These are typically require immediate treatment. The deprivation of oxygen affects your liver, brain, and other important organs with resulting stroke, heart attack or other, depending on the organ damaged the most, depending upon the health of the person.

    We exhale C02, a toxic waste carried out of our own body by our own virus' and bacteria, designed by God to 'take the trash out.'  This creates hypercapnia. If we carry the virus and wear a mask and then exhale, but the virus exhaled is trapped by the face diaper, the person will inhale the virus right back into their bodies. Problem is, wearing the mask diminishes our body's healthy 'take out the trash' mechanism and lowers the immune response generally, and the person becomes more likely to exhibit symptoms (get sick) after breathing it back in again. For older people, this is magnified because they take shallower breaths and breathe from only the upper part of the lungs, so the risk to them is magnified by wearing a mask.
    I am sure this makes Gates very excited. (sarc)

    Hypercapnia: Mild symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, disorientation, skin flushing, shortness of breath.
    Hypercapnia: Severe symptoms: confusion, coma, depression/paranoia, hyperventilaton, arrhythmia, loss of consciousness, muscle twitching, panic attacks, seizures.


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