
  • Where in the Constitution does the Federal Government get the legal authority to mandate pandemic protocols... those powers are reserved for the state and local governments?

    We need to ensure the general public understands this... so, they can stand up to federal agents...  The local prosecutors and sheriffs need to prepare a protocol to deal with Federal Interference with local and state government.

    • p/s

      The State governors, legislature, attorney generals, sheriff, and local public health officials need to step up NOW... to head off the crap coming out of DC.  The Federal Government doesn't have the Constitutional power to mandate medical protocols or to shut down entire sectors of the economy, commerce, or public institutions... such as schools.

      The MSM needs to address this and the State Governors need to initiate state protocols to deal with federal interference with internal state government and its public health institutions.

  • Please come Lord Jesus, I'm so sick and tired of this corrupt world!!!!!

    • He hears You Janet.....

    • Very comforting.   He hears us always and loves us so much!  God IS taking care of all this.  

  • Correct Conclusion ARNOLD.  The "D.C. DEM-MARIST CARTEL" has guaged the mood of America correctly.....disengaged-disinterested-preoccupied with "life's trivia"-cowardly and "Don't Rock The Boaters", so the NWO-WEF and Villainous Lackeys all figure a Renewing of The COVID PANDEMIC can be put to use again to drag OUR U.S.A. Down even more.  The potential Resistance Corps with Golf Clubs, Bowling Balls and Bingo cards will All happily be washed  in a tide of beer to a Kareoke chorus down the River Styx  

  • I am grateful for journalists like Natalie Winters who tell the truth and who are ahead of the curve. How else could we prepare for the atrocities coming from the radical left?

  • Medical Emergencies are a STATE and COUNTY responsibility... the Constitution gives no such powers (Medical Safety Protocols) to the Federal Government.  Get your state governor, legislature, and attorney general on the job... proactively derailing this crap... sue to shut down unconstitutional federal mandates for health issues. 

    • I contacted my state representative with the details and ADVISED that She and her colleagues PREPARE to OPPOSE This PROMPTLY and STRIDENTLY. We must not forget THE BLATANT FRAUD of "COVID PANDEMIC 1" ---Anthony Fauci  and FRANCIS COLLINS along with the Pusillanimous silence of the State Health Departments.



    Time to speak the truth. Is it Biden or someone else? Take a real good look.

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