
  • Here s the problem for 2024!  (Letter to Trump:)  

      Good luck and I’ll be voting AND donating for you IF this voting mess is fixed before 2024!  If not, I won’t be voting for anybody ever again! A lot of people already said that for 2022 and they won’t be voting in 2024. We know now, it’s not about the voters, it’s about the vote counters. If it was an honest election in 2020, you would have won and this world would have been a far very different place  


    • He is shaking in his boots! This is an ultimatum much like..... if so ans so wins, I'll be leaving the country.......childish!

  • How do you buy a billionaire who has principles and morals. 

  • Frédéric Bastiat

    “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”

    ― Frederic Bastiat
    • The perfect example of a Democracy, not a Constitutional Federal Republic! 

    • All forms of governmetn are capable of what  Frederic Bastiat stated... governments must be under constant restraint from a vigilant society.

    • I LIKE IT!

      A very nice jpeg too.

      Well, looks like Trump is up for the fight again.

      How a man in his 70s does this, seems a proof of the existence of God to me.

      Still, Abraham concieved Issac with Sarah while in their 70s, so miracles are always a possibility.

    • God chooses imperfect people to do great things, I think Trump is driven by his guidance. He is like the energizer bunny! Lol

    • Also, this young women is promising. I look forward to her contributions.

    • Good one.

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