Dear Fellow Conservatives, Patriots:
The time has arrived when we must treat dealing with the now Communist Socialist Democrats as a true GUERILLA WARFARE WAR. There can be no negotiatiing with them. We must strive to win at all cost. We must have the take no prisoner attitude. Failure to do so will result in nver having another rpublican in the White House
We must change how we approach our enemy's, and make no mistake they are the enemy.
We must communicate with each in a different way. No more twitter and facebook. Email or the old fashioned way. The phone. BIG BROTHER is watching our every move with great intent.
People make no mistake, they are coming for us They will stop at nothing.
Boy Cot big tech, this means twitter, facebook, youtube, google any platform that they can track us. Don't purchase any products or services such as apple products, dump facebook pages, twiiter accounts.
We need to put extreme pressure on the GOP to remove all Rhino's from office. Any one who stood and stands against President Trump needs to go. They need to be called out on any and all networks and exsposed for the TRAITORS they are. They should not get any GOP support for there re-election bid. We need to start considering people to run against them for the next elecyion for Congress and the Senate.
Special attention to the Govenor's and the Legislature. This is a must.
People we are fighting an enemy far greater than HITLER was. This is WAR we must treat it as such.
Here is the main question:
Although I appreciate your fervor...
unless you're trying to throw off search algorithms you might want to go back and proofread your text before posting it as far as I know they cannot yet scan all emails I know Gmail can so I am currently researching what emails are available offshore I noticed one in Norway and a few other countries around the world that don't allow tracking as far as social media. Very soon parler will be back.. is not gone down and they're looking to build their own servers just like parler is.
the threat is real they have promised to come looking for us and searching for us although I think they have just been a lot of noisy liberals Riding high on their win ......... their cheating win.
It is always wise to mask your identity online it stops hackers and evil people from looking you up which will stop bloodshed ..,
You can do online searches fairly hidden by using Firefox and it's add-ons or DuckDuckGo..
As to Facebook the sucky zucky place it's still a useful place because it reaches so many people so create a new account and provide nothing but disinformation no it's not illegal to do that same goes for Twitter if you want to bother with the twits there personally I'm dumping Twitter and boycotting them completely because of the way they treated Mr Trump and I'm letting them know that I will check in from time to time to see who their advertisers are so I can specifically avoid them...
We survived the Obama years and we really just got to hang on for two years until we can primary out the senate in the Congress leaving Biden and Company has a bunch of lame ducks I'm pretty sure that the military won't even follow him and if required to and they will do it at a snail's pace.
Keep the faith Trump's the guy and he's not done yet she need inspiration look up Reagan's speeches on YouTube....