
  • Stop "playing" and shut down the border

  • How far we have declined as a nation, The fact that we elected a BUFFON and a known LIAR to the highest office in the land is a testament to our decline, We can not continue down the path we are on, The damage is severe and this current administration has not a clue, They are completely  unaware the damage they have done and continue to do, My younger years i didnt follow politics very much but as i got older i began to realize that our political leaders dont have our or our nations best interest as their top priority, Its has become all about power and control. Our nation is in serious trouble and our lack of competent leadership is obvious, The current administration is without doubt WAY IN OVER THEIR HEADS, Any reasonable person usually learns from their mistakes but this administration has not a clue and they continue down the same path, We can only hope the American voters wake up in 2024 and decide they have had enough of the incompetence and irresponsible behavior and remove them from office. We are in DIRE NEED of competent leadership and JOE BIDEN and his administration cant provide it. The next two years the destruction and incompetence will continue while the Republicans spend two years and millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations that will end up like all previous investigations with noting being accomplished and will result in no one being held accountable. ITS TIME TO WAKE UP, And remove people from office and that includes both political parties.

  • EVERYTHING Trump did was for the American taxpayers, EVERYTHING Biden has done is to destroy the American taxpayers. The Biden voters must be sooo proud! 

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