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How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge
One month before a purported leak of files from Hunter Biden's laptop, a fake "intelligence" document about him went viral on the right-wing internet, asserting an elaborate conspiracy theory involving former Vice President Joe Biden's son and business in China.
The document, a 64-page composition that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump, appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm" called Typhoon Investigations, according to researchers and public documents.
Pres. Trump needs to head off the coming riots and violence... the President needs to 'quietly' mobilize the Military, pre-positioning them to protect key elements of our infrastructure. He needs to plan for and issue contingency orders for Federalizing all state and local US Police Forces, under martial law, for the purposes of maintaining order... should widespread riots and insurrection take place. He needs to establish a national curfew and lock down the nation until the MSM and others promoting violence and chaos can be dealt with. There are armies of anti-American operatives who have been waiting for the right timing to create widespread revolution/insurrection in the USA... and if the President doesn't get a handle on it early it will be devastating.
The key elements of our infrastructure need to be secured... our Electrical grid, Transportation, and Communications hubs need to be secured and hardened against EMP and terrorist acts. We must act now to preposition our troops to defend and protect these locations; too, guarantee our electrical, transportation, and communications grids are secured. Our nuclear forces need to be put on the highest state of alert should martial law be declared and are advisories world wide notified not to engage the US or to interfere with or take advantage of our domestic problems.
The leadership of the Left and their Marxist allies need to be rounded up and detained until lawful due process for the activist insurgents can be instituted for any crimes they may have committed against the people. The MSM must be shut down and cleaned out, before being permitted to reopen, under government supervision. Only government emergency orders and approved news must be permitted and the MSM must be supervised by the DOD and DHS until martial law is suspended and normal civil order restored. Judicial activism must be shut down and judges who attempt to interfere with the role of the US Military and Federalized Police forces removed from their seats of authority until civil law and order can be restored.
All of this, of course, is provisional and based on domestic intel and the initiation of widespread insurrection... martial law, federalization of local police forces, and the suspension of the civil courts is to be phased in as necessary to keep order, wherever civil authorities are unable to do so. Pre-positioned federal forces and contingent operations orders should be in place NOW... too be executed as necessary to maintain law and order, where needed and as deemed appropriate by the President.
Beware the RED WAVE. It's a comin. As before and so shall it be again. Rejoice.
The left doesn't care if there is a Red Wave... since when, has public opinion even phased these miscreants of law and order. It is their way or the highway ... any bipartisan effort is conditioned on the conservatives compromising their values not on the left compromising a thing. History is replete with examples of the mainstream conservative population being steamrolled by extremist elements who are willing to die for their cause Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, Lenin in Russia, Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia, and on and on... the only thing these agents of death care about is securing power by ANY MEANS NECESSARY... and the only way to deal with them is thru the use of lawful power to restrain or eliminate them.
isn't that something
Ezekiel 3:19-21 KJV - Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he ...
55 years ago i was watching a newscast. My stomach was churning so I shut it off. Hope I haven't missed anything!
Warning the Body -
It's better to be prepared and nothing happen, than not to be prepared at all.
this is interesting to say the least and we will see what's coming next.
that is the fact
The MSM at it's best until after the election day as they forget their debackle in 2016!!!