NBC News is taking a victory lap after their successful efforts to target their competition, The Federalist website, results in GoogleAds demonetizing the outlet. However, within the article the NBC report also implicates Google in large-scale antitrust violations.



According to NBC the outlet asked Google to take action against the Federalist. Emphasis mine:

(Via NBC News) […] The two sites, ZeroHedge and The Federalist, will no longer be able to generate revenue from any advertisements served by Google Ads.

A Google spokesperson said in an email that it took action after determining the websites violated its policies on content related to race.

“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing,” the spokesperson wrote. “When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.”

[…] Google blocked The Federalist from its advertising platform after the NBC News Verification Unit brought the project to its attention. (link)

Apparently NBC has a self-admitted division within its news operation that is specifically focused on eliminating any competition.  To accomplish this objective NBC requests Google to target and remove revenue from their competition.  An alignment of self-serving interest based on ideology.  This is only one example of an unlawful antitrust violation.


new_media_overview.jpg?w=640Again, the traditional media cannot win the debate of ideas without putting mechanisms into place to tilt the stage in their favor.


This is a rather stark admission; and the fact that NBC would publicly admit their intent is evidence of how little the media is concerned about the nature of their ideological manipulation.

However, there’s another public admission within the article that is worth highlighting.

[…]  Google added that it takes into account all of the content on a website including comments to determine if a policy violation has occurred.

That is how Google has gone beyond the scope of commerce, and into the realm of curtailing speech.  By weaponizing their ability to demonetize a platform Google attempts to force digital platforms to remove public speech they disagree with.


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