
Nearly 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were found in a Michigan county storage unit, according to a township supervisor.

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

The discovery was made by Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke through a Freedom of Information Act and presented Wednesday to the township board and residents, according to Michigan News Source.

In 2021, Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police after receiving tips regarding the missing ballots and supposed “old township documents” that were discovered.

The storage unit was rented by a former township employee who stowed the box of ballots there, according to the FOIA records. Stanke said that the employee was not aware of the contents of the box.

The Michigan police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.


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  • Clearly our government is not ours anymore. The proof is that they not to us but to sinister dark forces that we are just realizing are there. The increasing destruction of our food, water and supply chain leaves no doubt. The fact that pelosi could brazenly tear up the SOTU leaves no doubt. The fact that fauchi basically told the gov. what to do and when to do it, and who to do it to, leaves no doubt. The purely evil marxist demonic attack on children through, police, schools, hospitals, CCP, media and technology, leaves no doubt. And then, the merciless stalking and targeting of Trump, has never happened before. We are witnessing the biggest spiritual war to ever take place. All is, and be revealed. 

  • Everyone with a little common sense knows the fix was on during the election and is still ongoing. The real issue is what is being done to stop election fraud and the political persecution of Trump.

    • Nothing is really being done only usless talking

  • Guess what?  The same people are managing the 2024 election... The People no longer hold the franchise on their ballots and ballot boxes... elections are managed to produce predetermined outcomes.   It is time to remove ALL of the they all know the electoral process is a joke and do nothing EFFECTIVE to fix it.

    With the same people managing the coming election, what should we expect for an outcome?  The several States need to use an Article 5 Convention to mandate Term Limits and a government recall o all currently sitting members of the government (elected and appointed) subject to new elections and appointments.  One term 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the government standng or election and appointment every 2yrs... recall all of the current members of the government (elected and appointed) subject to new elections where theyare not permitted to run for office.

    The Above Term limits and Recall will take an Amendment to the Constitution.... that is why we need an Article 5  convention... Our current Electoral process will not produce good government.  We must recall (fire) all of the sitting government and hold new elections where the present members of government are not permitted to run for ofice.  We must also have term limits to keep corruption from reinfecting our government... power corrupts and absolute (continuous) power corrupts absolutely.

    • An Article 5 Convention will replace our Sacred Constitution with`the MARXIST MANIFESTO in about five minutes maximum !!!


      Gavel = This Convention of States will come to order!

      Gavel = Is there a motion to be determined by this Convention of States?

      Gavel = Motion #1, make these proceeding secret?

      Gavel = 100% Yea! 0% Nay! The Yeas have it, the motion is carried.

      Gavel = Is there a motion to be determined by this Convention of States?

      Gavel = Motion #2, abolish the Constitution of these United States in its entirety!

      Gavel = 100% Yea! 0% Nay! The Yeas have it, the motion is carried.

      Gavel = Is there a motion to be determined by this Convention of States?

      Gavel = Motion #3, enact the Communist Manifesto in its entirety as the Supreme Law of governance of these United States!

      Gavel = 100% Yea! 0% Nay! The Yeas have it, the motion is carried.

      Gavel = Is there a motion to dismiss and disband this Convention of States?

      Gavel = 100% Yea! 0% Nay! The Yeas have it, the motion is carried.

      Gavel = This Convention of States is dismissed and closed.

       And our entire Sacred Constitution, Sacred Bill of Rights and Sovereign Nation will be gone!


    • There are no guarantees in mankind's administraion of an imperfect world... only God is perfect and very few are listening to HIm.  What we can do is trust in God and use the tools we have to best administer our existence in a world full of imperfections.... knowing God is for us and that His will keeps us from all harm. 

      God must become our shield and buckler, our sword of justice and avenging judge.  We are simply incapable of doing what is needed without HIM...  Some trust in Chariots and Horses others in the Arm of the Lord.. as for me and my household I will trust in God as all else is vanity and vexation of the spirit.

    • Yep, and the Colonel understands that the only "world" that any of us can affect is the one around us in our families, neighborhoods, counties and states. Each of us is very much like a hypothetical "hand grenade' that can destroy the closest things to them, or most preferably can also bring good things like peace, comfort and help to those around us. In God We Trust, and we just need to do the next right thing by those closest to us, and always pray for the faith and wisdom to leave the rest to the Almighty Creator. Not my will, but Thy will be done. - Amen

    • Amen!

    • AMEN!

    • First... It takes 2/3rds of the States in Convention to recommend an Amendment for ratification... A motion to amend is not an amendment and a simple majority vote is not 2/3rds. 

      Next... it takes 3/4ths of the State Legislatures to ratify any Proposed  Amendment before it becomes part of the Constitution.  Getting 3/4ths of the states to abolish the Constitution is not likely or presently possible.

      Finally, there is zero chance that our Constitution would be rewritten or abolished... as the Convention doesn't have the Constitutional Authority to simply strike down our Constitution with a motion or a simple majority vote.  The Convention must propose the language for such an action in the form of an Amendment and then carry it thru to ratification... by 3/4ths of the States. Not going to happen.

      Please read Article 5 of the US Constitution before commenting... your remarks are ludicrous.

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