
Nearly 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were found in a Michigan county storage unit, according to a township supervisor.

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

The discovery was made by Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke through a Freedom of Information Act and presented Wednesday to the township board and residents, according to Michigan News Source.

In 2021, Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police after receiving tips regarding the missing ballots and supposed “old township documents” that were discovered.

The storage unit was rented by a former township employee who stowed the box of ballots there, according to the FOIA records. Stanke said that the employee was not aware of the contents of the box.

The Michigan police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.


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      Read some history ... the Articles of Confederation were thrown out and our urrent Constitution was established at a Constitutional Convention September 17th, 1787 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Article 5 of the US Constitution is the only lawful way by which the US Constitution and its fundamental law may be amended ... A separate Convention, called outside of the Constitutional means is not provided for in our CURRENT  founding documents.   The Civil War of 1861-1865 began over this issue and slavery.  The Civil War put an end to any argument regarding the perpetual union and secession. 

      The Union and our Republic are a PERPETUAL UNION in contemplation with the Constitution and universal law... Its founding documents, therefore, may not be fundamentally amended or surrendered. .. not without the full consent of all parties to the Union... It is a matter of universal contract and law... See Lincoln's inaugural address of March 4, 1861.

    • Thank you. I stand against an Art. V., with Publius Huldah and even Common Cause. We have a nation unfit to write, amend, or judge, any changes to our beloved Constitution. Evil runs rampant, people do not understand words such as 'woman, man, he, she, rights, liberty, freedom, God, jurisdiction, authority, NOT, LIFE, education, merit, accountability and far more.

      We are too deaf, dumb, blind and stupid as a country. We need God.

      U.S. Constitution Threatened as Article V Convention Movement Nears Success
      A well-funded, highly coordinated national effort is underway to call a constitutional convention, under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.We outlin…
    • Yep, and Common Cause is a neo-Marxist organization funded by the likes of George Soros and the minions in the World Economic Forum. Our Constitution has been amended only 27 times in our history but with several glaring mistakes, such as the 16th, 17th and 18th Amendments. But We the People forced the repeal of the 18th Amendment and we can do the same and propose new emendments to undo the federal takeover of our sovereign right in the States. And we absolutely need God, as our Constitution is unsuitable for a people who cannot govern themselves according to His commandments.

    • The Most High is still available ... just not via the hallelujah halfwit/towelhea goathumper systems: - the pdf is HUGE ... and there are no gene-tests or other data-mining ...


      The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!
      black magic, white magic, curses, blessings, spirits, angels, demons, dooms day, armageddon, prophecy(ies), damnation, final judgement, hell, holocau…
    • I once stood where you and Hulda stand... and find it very troubling that we indeed need to be concerned over the quality of our leaders today... However, given the alternatives and the clear abdication of our electoral system to the hands of criminals, I find it more feasible to bring about the needed government reform thru the peaceful use of Article 5 than any of the other forms of reform available.

      Besides, getting any proposed Amendment approved in convention and then ratified may prove impossible... given the high bars it must pass... 2/3rds of the convention must approve the Proposed Amendments language and 3/4ths of the state's legislatures must ratify a proposed Amendment before it becomes Constitutional law.  What are the chances of both occurring?  This is especially true for any radical amendment.

    • All leaders are imperfect human beings, and we should consider two (2) recent examples in that both the Balanced Budget Amendment and the bill to repeal Obamacare failed by one (1) vote after being proposed by our representatives in Congress. We the People of the States can take back our government by going around the uniparty Congress using Article V of the Constitution and invoking the assistance of Divine Providence, as our Founding Fathers did.

    • I hope you live to endure the horros an Article V Convention will create !!!

      How many of the 'representatives' will be hard-core uncompromising MARXISTS ???

      Or can you think that far ahead ???


    • Which action is most likely to bring IMMEDIATE AND IRREPRALE  harm to the Nation, its economy, and our national secuirty...  A civil war, an Article 5 convention, or doing nothing in the face of treason in high office?

    • An A 5 Convention ... we're already survived a civil war .. and the return of President Donald John Trump to the White House will restore the economy ...


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