
Nearly 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were found in a Michigan county storage unit, according to a township supervisor.

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

The discovery was made by Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke through a Freedom of Information Act and presented Wednesday to the township board and residents, according to Michigan News Source.

In 2021, Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police after receiving tips regarding the missing ballots and supposed “old township documents” that were discovered.

The storage unit was rented by a former township employee who stowed the box of ballots there, according to the FOIA records. Stanke said that the employee was not aware of the contents of the box.

The Michigan police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.


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  • Discovered in 2022 and we ae just hearing about it? Who is going to JAIL?

    • Jail?  How about who is going to be indicted... tried and then sentenced with more than a slap to the wrist...  Those in power all have a vested interest in keeping a rigged system... one that returns over 95% of the incumbents every election cycle in spite of the horrible performance of our government. 

      The only way such a CORRUPT SYSTEM can consistently operate is for all of the political class to be IN ON THE GIGG... rigged elections... that, return the same politicians to office every year.  Thus keeping them in office, managing our elections, and the distribution of government power for decades.

  • Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! here was never any voter fraud (Dominion has the only keys!) nor any incompetence ...

    If you're idiotic enough to buy either of hose poins as fact, I have some great deals on Pyramids, Bridges and downtown desert land ...



  • Yep, and why are we only hearing about this now if the Michigan police have been investigating since August 2022? In the light of what we do know that's happened in the 2020 Michigan elections, it's not very difficult to figure out the possibilities that may explain what we don't know for certain yet. But if no one with firsthand knowledge is ready to stand up and speak up, then perhaps we may never know. We should probably protect the integrity of our vote as diligently as we do our lives, families and homes, as all of the latter may likely depend upon it someday.

    • IMHO, our families, lives and homes already DO depend upon said vigilance; NEVER take your eye off the ball.

    • Ball? What Ball... Obama and Biden stole the Ball long ago and blacked the eyes of society while doing it....

    • Sure did !!!

      And both should be under our worst jail for the remainder of their existence !!!


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