
Nearly 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were found in a Michigan county storage unit, according to a township supervisor.

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

The discovery was made by Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke through a Freedom of Information Act and presented Wednesday to the township board and residents, according to Michigan News Source.

In 2021, Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police after receiving tips regarding the missing ballots and supposed “old township documents” that were discovered.

The storage unit was rented by a former township employee who stowed the box of ballots there, according to the FOIA records. Stanke said that the employee was not aware of the contents of the box.

The Michigan police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.


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    • Only We the People, in our local communities and States, can restore the economy, and everything else that the leftist, big government is seeking to control and destroy. That is precisely why a Convention of States is necessary to bring good and righteous people together to fix the broken Washington DC swamp. It may be the last opportunity for us to save our consitutional republic from the creeping federal totalitarianism that plagues our country today. President Trump seems to understand this and the constitutional limits on federal power better that many of our past and the current president do not.

    • By the way, Colonel, are there any other original and unamended parts of our Constitution with which you also disagree?

    • Only those passed since FDR took the Oath of Office ...


    • The only "original and unamended" parts of our Constitution weren't passed by any president, Congress or anyone else for that matter. But I must admit that the original intent of the Constitution has been progressively corrupted using unconstitutional means, such as legislation by Congress, signed into law by "progressive" presidents like FDR, and which has yet to be challenged as unconstitutional in the courts. The Constitution has also been corrupted through judicial rulings by activist, "progressive" judges in the SCOTUS and district courts when We the People tried to stand up and speak up against these actions. We the People of the States can reign in the out-of-control executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government using Article V of the Constitution, but only with the guidance, assistance and blessings of Divine Providence. So we must also pray for our great country and that more of us see the Light of His wisdom.

    • We need to repeal the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments... return the selection of US Senators to the States as originally constituted (repel the 17th Amendment).   We need to end birthright citizenship and the seriously misguided extension of our constitution and its protections to aliens illegally in our nation. ( repeal the 14th Amendment.)  We need to fund the government using the Constitution's original Taxes and revenue sources (repel the 16th Amendment)   

      We need to rewrite the Federal Judiciary Act... to restrain and affirm the Federal Court's jurisdiction to those areas and cases originally granted as their jurisdiction and no more... adding additional protections for the regular review of judges and the courts, to ensure they remain within their jurisdictional limits. 

      We need to end the legal doctrine of Stare Decisis as the law of the court... Such law is fiat law, The federal court's law must be the same as statutory law... those laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the president... the law must not become the dicta of a federal judiciary.  There are other Judicial issues that need addressing, ranging from the current use of the BAR associations to police the conduct of the court's officers, to the authority of judicial orders, injunctions, and its internal authority to regulate the courts and the administration of the law.


      The entire Judicial Branch of our Sacred Constitutional Republic is owned, controlled and bled for its graft by:


      Been there, didn't execute enough of them once they 'corrected' my case !!!

    • Wholeheartedly agree Colonel, as precedence arising from bad judicial rulings only compounds the harm done by the original, misguided legislation. That is why term limits should also be considered for the SCOTUS and all of the subordinate district courts.

    • ABSOLUTELY !!!

    • Of course We can think that far ahead. And if We the People of the States cannot govern ourselves using the Constitution as our guide, as we have for over 200 years, then we probably deserve the hypothetical horrors of which you are so afraid. It takes a super-majority (2/3) of the States to propose, and a super-super-majority (3/4) of States to ratify each proposed amendment. It strains credulity to even consider that there are that many "hard-core uncompromising MARXISTS" in our great country, and both the election of Donald Trump and the past and current illegal election interference soundly refutes that contention. I do not doubt your patriotism or concern for our Republic but we must have faith that Divine Providence will smile upon our people and our country if we stand up, speak up and do the next right things. But then, Thy will be done.


      The State Radifications has been the norm for said over 200 years, and works perfectly when and if we can get the electeds to follow ...

      In a Convention all the rules and procedures are up to the attendees .. who are not bound in any manner !!!

      Do not confuse the two !!!

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