
Nearly 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were found in a Michigan county storage unit, according to a township supervisor.

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

The discovery was made by Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke through a Freedom of Information Act and presented Wednesday to the township board and residents, according to Michigan News Source.

In 2021, Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police after receiving tips regarding the missing ballots and supposed “old township documents” that were discovered.

The storage unit was rented by a former township employee who stowed the box of ballots there, according to the FOIA records. Stanke said that the employee was not aware of the contents of the box.

The Michigan police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.


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    • Article 5 defines and limits the scope and conduct of the Convention to Amendments... not the wholesale abolition of the Constitution.  The constitution is the foundation of our PERPETTUAL UNION.... and therefore is and of itself perpetual... indistrctabale in its construction and fundamental law.  Amendments may not abolish it or alter its core elements.

    • Your "opinion" is right on point and across the board -- infinitely accurate !!!

      Count me "IN" !!!


    • URGENT; ACT NOW: California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that he and his organization, “Campaign for Democracy,” will push for an Article V constitutional convention to propose a “28th Amendment” to impose draconian gun control on the American people. 



      Sun Szu——the enemy of my enemy is my friend...

      I will add, the enemy is very polished. Smooth like a serpent.

      Look at how well he succeeded in (persuading people into his camp), calling a bioweapon a "vaxxine." Well over 30,000 righteous doctors are STILL finding out the mechanism of that thing.

      Look at how well he convinced even good, Godly people to adopt his language, from "sex" to "gender." No questions asked. We are to be Wiser than Serpents, and too few are. Where did the word "disappeared" disappear to?  One morning I woke up and "soldier" became "troop" and "disappeared " became the stupid phrase "went missing."  "Disappeared" is a perfectly fine word that should still be in use. Why isn't it? Where did it go? Under 0 the Kenyan, the word "Soldier" became a "troop." I had to look it up, I was so sick of correcting him in my living room, and guess what, a "troop" is a group of soldiers, just as I thought. Until we have a populace that rises up in one way or another, and demands the Natural Law as the foundation of our beloved Constitution, and stop thinking of it as nothing but a history lesson....NO law or change in law will do the job. You are right, the 14th, 16th and 17th must be repealed. The 14th made us "subject to the jurisdiction" of the federal government. Until states rise up and say NO, We are Sovereign, and Demand, intercede, interpose and nullify—then we are wise enough, moral enough, studious enough, to go in and finish the job as it should be. We are not there yet. I owe NO allegience to a bankrupt corporporation, not at the federal level, not the state level, and not at the local level. There MUST be a spiritual change in this nation, in order to SEE what has happened and is happening. My opinion of course, from much study.

    • Full Text of the U.S. Constitution | Constitution Center

      Article V   

      "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate." Quote Article 5 US Constitution

      Note ...

      An Article 5 Convention is limited to 'PROPOSING AMENDMENTS to the Constitution... The entire Article addresses the process by which the Constitution may be AMENDED not rewritten or nulified.

      Any attempt to hijack the convention for the purpose of rewriting or nullifying the Constitution would be unconstitutional on its face. 

      Full Text of the U.S. Constitution | Constitution Center
      Read and share the complete text of the United States Constitution.
    • P/S...

      The "Delegates" to an Article 5 convention are not independent agents... they are the representatives of the states appointed as delegates of their respective states and subject to RECALL by their State Legislature or governor should they go rogue.

    • That is really the only hope there is—that the states would stand up rather than stand down. Given the fact that almost all states locked us down, even that slight hope seems problematic.

      Did any state stand against fauci? And the FDA? A few of my friends call DeWine, DeSwine...

      And given that the Ohio Republican State Central Committee—completely abdicated its role in denying mail-in ballots and absentee ballots—and proceeded as if nothing was wrong even after 2020, I see that criminals run the entire show, from local to state to fed to agencies. And we Precinct Committeepersons had NO voice in this matter, nor was there any debate at all.

    • Sadly you are correct... state leadership of the Union has long been abdicated ... becoming seriously enflamed with the passage of the 14th and 17th Amendments.  Leadeship remains one ofour most wanton elements in the search for reforms...  Our greatest need is Godly Character and His Leadership of our homes and lives.

    • Not to mention inventing words like Lifetime, while ignoring words like Under, Good Behaviour. A nation that cannot use its words has no business changing the Constitution.

    • Actually, a nation whose lexicon of constitutional language is constantly in flux... has no stable law from which to govern... its foundation in law is undermined.    Such a nation is subject to the arbitrary will of man.  Any Amendment to that nation's constitution arrives undermined.

    • Yep, and the subversive leftists have been changing the English language to that end for decades, and thereby insidiously influencing both the law and our entire Judeo-Christian culture. That's why we now have words that used to refer accurately to biological sex or mean "happy and carefree", but which have been coopted to mean something entirely different. Semantics (the precise definition of words) is supremely important in matters of law, and everything else for that matter, so the subverting of those meanings is essential to the destruction of the rule of law and Judeo-Christian concepts of ethics and morality. Lord help us and give us the strength and backbone to stand up and speak up against this evil in our society.

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