Nearly Half of Young Americans Support Hamas Over Israel

National Review: Roughly half of young Americans say Israel should be “ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians” amid the ongoing war despite continuing support for the Jewish state among older Americans. While 51 percent of 18–24-year-olds in the U.S. want Israel to lose to Hamas, that sentiment decreases significantly among the higher age brackets in the monthly Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. Thirty-one percent of 25–34-year-olds, 24 percent of 35–44-year-olds, 15 percent of 45–54-year-olds, 13 percent of 55–64-year-olds, and only 4 percent of Americans aged 65 and older say Israel should be wiped out. In comparison, an overall 81 percent of Americans support Israel over Hamas (National Review). Harvard/Harris Poll: Inflation and immigration are considered the top issue facing the country(Harvard/Harris Poll).

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  • This country has been brainwashed into stupidity and nonsense. 

    Stage 1: Demoralization. 16–20 years. Exposure to true information doesn't matter anymore. (Bezmenov, Russia) People don't understand what happened to them. Tell him he is him and it doesn't matter. Tell them we are a Republic and it doesn't matter anymore. Tell them America stands for freedom and it doesn't matter anymore.
    Stage 2: Destabilization. 2–5 years. Target essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations and defense systems.
    Stage 3: Up to 6 weeks. Violent change of power, structure and economy.
    Stage 4: Normalization. Taken over. New ideology and reality.

    Pretty sure this aligns with Sun Tzu.

    The man who wrote this piece thought Russia would have taken the US over by now. This interview is Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America. He is a defector.
    “Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime,” said the former KGB agent.
    “False. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.”

    Or, we were at war under one President but not under this one, who has capitualted to all the highest bidders.

    39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America
    A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S.
  • Proof of the educational rot that exists in our country. We allowed the leftists/communists and the Muslims to take over the minds of our youth. 
    wow, think about this when you say  "living with the enemy", when we raise the enemy, when our own children turn on us! 

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