
On Thursday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings appeared on CNN for a full ten minutes and was not asked a single question about the controversy surrounding the streaming platform’s new movie “Cuties,” which features 11-year-old girls dancing sexually. Critics of the film have alleged it legitimizes pedophilia.

According to Newsbusters, Poppy Harlow of “CNN Newsroom” asked Hastings a multitude of questions while praising Netflix for its diversity initiatives; absent throughout the whole interview was a single question about “Cuties,” which has rocked the internet—both Left and Right.

“Instead, CNN Newsroom co-anchor Poppy Harlow gave Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings an almost entirely softball interview,” reported Newsbusters. “She even found time to praise the company for being ahead of its competitors in ‘diversity’ programming and leadership.”

Netflix found itself at the center of controversy last month when it released a poster for the movie “Cuties” that featured pre-teen girls in sexually suggestive poses. The company apologized after severe online backlash. “We’re deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for ‘Cuties.’ It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film which premiered at Sundance. We’ve now updated the pictures and description,” Netflix said in a statement.

read more here:

Tucker Carlson and guest Tammy Bruce discuss this disgusting 'movie'

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  • I cancelled Netflix some months ago after finally deciding that their programming had become too depraved, and in addition the fact that Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle are making a fortune in collaboration with their morally and ethically degrading content. Some news outlets have already been banned from Facebook and other so-called "social media" sites for articles warning of the overt sexualization and moral corruption of our children in the public school system. At least one of these had their legal counsel advise them that such presentations might be prosecuted criminally as "pornographic", although it seems perfectly legal to expose our children to it in the classroom.  Your local school board members should hear from you loud and clear if such inappropriate content is being taught in your schools to your children.

  • Pure evil.

  • Depravity in it's purest form.  

  • Not surprised about this....they all are in for the Communist Manifesto...part of the 45 Communist Goals to Takeover America..this filth is part of it.

  • How far will the left go to totally destroy everything nice and decent?  I only recently went back to Netflix after boycotting them for several years,  not I will go off again - FOR GOOD THIS TIME!

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