An organization raising funds for Kyle Rittenhouse's legal defense published a viral video that tells the truth about the 17-year-old accused of fatally shooting two men during the Jacob Blake riots in Kenosha.

#FightBack Foundation, a free speech group that has raised nearly $2 million in funding for Rittenhouse's legal fees, posted the 11-minute footage to several alternative, anti-Big Tech video sharing platforms. A downloadable version is available on the association's website.

"Every decade or so, a legal matter arises that holds the power to negatively affect our lives for generations to come," the video is prefaced. "Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you identify with, this is about you."

Scenes of the Kenosha riots overlayed the violent introduction, depicting arson, commercial grade fireworks used as projectiles in public streets, and trash receptacles pushed as barricades and ignitors.

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  • He is completely innocent

  • WOW, WOW, WOW this frightning to say the least.

  • Kenosha residents need to remove the Prosecutor from office... by recall or other appropriate action... This video needs to go viral and the President needs to direct the AG to investigate the Prosecutor for abuse of office and the denial of Rittenhouse's civil right to be secure in his person... too, provide for his defense and personal security, when the city would not.

    The Prosecutor charged a 'Minor' without a proper investigation or hearing ... based on what appears to be political bias and social expediency. The prosecutor many have Criminally violated Rittenhouse's civil rights to be secure in his person. 

    Mr. President... have the Prosecutor investigated by the civil rights division of the FBI for Possible Criminal Conduct and indictment. Act to stop such bias and abuse of the laws of the United States. Require the state to exercise due process to defend the civil rights of this minor. Also, it appears no legal action was taken to provide this Minor a hearing before Charging him as an adult. 

    As to bail... He voluntarily surrendered and is not a flight risk. The bail is excessive and unwarranted given the accused's age and history.  This whole event is about abusing the force of law, to INTIMIDATE private citizens from defending their person from assault and worse.  Rittenhouse's life was definitely in danger the entire time from those engaged in the violent illegal rioting.

    Rittenhouse should sue Kenosha for failing to disburse the rioters thus creating the situation he now finds himself. His legal Council should sue the City and State for failing to take reasonable and proper actions to prevent and stop the riots resulting in this travesty.

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