Quotes about One world government (49 quotes)

The desire by world leaders to create a single one world government is no longer secret.

Taking advantage of the COVID-19 ‘crisis’, world leaders are openly calling for an end to nationalism and isolationism. 24 countries have come together to call for a global settlement like the one reached after the second world war to “protect countries” and build cross border co-operation.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), as well as 20 other world leaders, joined forces in penning a joint letter with the apparent intent of winning popular support for the globalist plan.


The leaders claim that a new international settlement is necessary ahead of the next international health crisis. They described Covid as the biggest threat to the global community since the 1940’s.

“A treaty on pandemics “should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and co-operation within the international system and with its rules and norms”, the leaders said.

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  • More control over our lives by UN world government to enslave us all. Not for me thank free or die.

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