
  • "If government is involved, nothing is a coincidence!" - - words from FDR himself, many decades ago.

  • Pattern Recognition is a real thing and most people do it without really thinking about it. Two cases brought against Trump within a year of the election, both prosecutors made multiple visits to the Biden WH.  The similarities go on but it doesn't take a genius to see that we are being deceived. 

  • James is nothing but a low class uppidy negro who got some power and can't keep herself from abusing it! She needs to be disaplined, her power taken from her, she has no business in law because she has no respect for the law! She hates ansd she is willing to bend the rules, make things up to "get" those she has her eye on. That is her claim to fame! Imagine any relationship with this ugly beast...she is dangerous!

    • It astounds me that negroes with great education that ascend into positions of "power" then start to EXHIBIT an Appalling lack of commonsense and actually a DISDAIN for the terrible bondage and suffering of Their Forefathers.  YES SHE IS A DISGRACE....

  • Freddie, you are correct no crime was committed!!! But All of these Charges are Politically  motivated!!!  Talk about  election interference to the Max!! This is no better than Russia or the CCP!!! The Fix is in !! How do we turn it around?? Senators of the likes of Romney and  Schumer have got to go. The House is in the same state. We have Socliast infestation in the house as well. How do we correct this Crap?? Have a race to ballot box beat the Dems at their own game?? GOD Help Us All..

  • NO VICTIM NO CRIME, It should very clear now to any clear thinking American citizen what is happening in our nation what the left is trying to do, The TRANSFORMATION of our nation is the number one priority for them and they are perfectly willing to use any and all methods to accomplish their goal. I tshould be perfectly clear that the number one goal for them is to destroy the one man and one political party standing in their way. They have confiscated the JUDICIAL SYSTEM and are now using this as WEAPON # 1  to use againist anyone standing in their way. JOE BIDEN came into to office PROCLAIMING  to be the great UNITER but has in fact became the greatest DIVIDER in our nation. We the people must decide for ourselves what kind of nation do we want, Do we want a nation divided against itself or do we want a nation of law and order a nation that provides equal protection to each and every CITIZEN  or are we willing to accept the status QUO we see being layed out daily in our nation. We HAVE TO WAKE UP, THIS COMINNG  NOVEMBER GET  OUT AND VOTE BUT WE MUST BE INFORMED AS TO WHOM  AND WHAT WE ARE VOTING FOR, WASHINGTON IS NOT THE ANSWER WASHINGTON IS THE PROBLEM, WE know whom the POLIOTICAL PLAYERS ARE IN WASHINGTON AND ITS TIME TO SEND THEM HOME

    • It's on the judge! My understanding is he is retiring, so he obviously didn't care, there's nothing they can do to him to harm him........he is leaving, enjoying the fact he made Trump's life miserable, made him spend a lot of money. He knows there's no way this will stand, but he is chewing up Trum's time and finances, hoping to smear him and make the stupid people think Trump is guilty of something, perhaps going to prison. This is election interference, they should go after him for that!

  • 1 I agree with you all. We agree the establishment politicians hate Trump. And like it or not will do any and everything they can to keep him out of office.

    2 Yes I and mine will vote for him. I do not trust our ballot counting. The Dems will cheat any and every way they can. 

    3 You are a fool if you think this is going to be a fair election. 


    • YES JOE: It's high time to think about how we can fight the dishonesty.

  • Pure corruption, all of them

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