Stop Watching US: The Day We Fight Back - EpiphanyDigest
On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.

Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.

The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.

Though the bill attempts to state that no one shall be held for more than 60 days, the language allows for court orders to waive this maximum detention time. After 60 days, the court is allowed an additional 90 days to consider the detention of an individual, a cycle that can last indefinitely per the opinion of the department.

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  • "New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim"

    This raises the spectre of the civil liberties abuses of Typhoid Mary. 

    Typhoid was however, an easily transmittable virulent disease. 

    These Covid virus, and their variants (oximoronic in practical terms since the family mutates at the drop of a hat),

    are in no honest way comparable, being relatively harmless variants when affecting the unvaccinated (those with unimpared immune systems).

    Therefore, despotism and a continued cover for more mail-in election fraud are likely motives.

    • The sheep that voted for this mess can comply, I won't! 

  • Is that the day the war starts? 

  • Well, well, well.  How long will it be before someone they come to put in a detention facility will meet them with several friends and guns???????  Don't be surprised when it happens and the blame lays squarely on the shoulders of the state assemble.

  • Just keep  your crap  up you commies,  your going to push free people  two far. 

    • Yes, our founders finally got a belly full and we all know how that ended, limeys got kicked out!!!!!


    • It is getting close.

    • Yes, very, very close!!!!!


  • Any conservative better get out of there quick, the gulags/death camps are coming!!!!!!!!!!  g w bush built, stocked, and staffed the FEMA death camps to hold people who opposed the new world order he was helping to set up!!!!!!!!!!  They were built to hold conservative Christians not moslem terrorists or antifa/blm terrorists!!!!!!!!!!

  • Unfortunately for the citizens of New York living outside Albany and New York City, New York state politics are decided largely by the people in New York City and Albany.  We all know New York City is populated mostly by radical socialists and communists masquerading as democrats.

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