New York Subway Shooter was 'known' by the FBI

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by  incompetence - Actual Advice Mallard - quickmeme

The race-obsessed suspect in Tuesday's horror shooting on the New York City subway posted a terrifying YouTube warning that he was driving from his home in Wisconsin and would 'never be back again alive' three weeks before unleashing terror during rush hour. 

Frank James, 62, remains on the run on Wednesday morning 24 hours after allegedly opening fire on a packed northbound N train as it approached 36th Street station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. 

On Wednesday morning, Mayor Eric Adams officially named James as a suspect - upgrading him from 'person of interest'.  

Police believe he is the man responsible because his credit card was used to rent the U-Haul that police found a key to in a backpack dumped at the scene that also contained a handgun, three extended magazines, fireworks and firecrackers. 

James lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, until recently but packed up on March 20 and left the state. He drove south, first through Illinois, then to Philadelphia where he picked up the U-Haul van that he brought to New York City. 

It has now emerged that he was known to the FBI and was questioned in 2019 in New Mexico though it is not yet  clear why. He was cleared but was entered into the state's 'Guardian Lead' system. The Guardian Program is the bureau's terrorist threat and suspicious incident tracking system.  

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  • The alleged insurgent conservative extremists at the capitol have been and are jail since Jan 2021. How come Frankie the terrorist was not. ?

  • Dee, Your statement: "And how many attacks does this make where the perp was on a watch list and nothing was done?" Makes me think a bit and ask: How many attacks were done where the perp was on the ( fill in the blank_____) alphabet Law Enforcement Agency payroll?

  • The satanic left wants more violence to increase their "justification" for more control over We the People!!!!!!!!!!

    • We the people  can never let  that happen. Fight back !

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