How the fourth estate has turned into Biden’s fiefdom.
The New York Times editors reached a new low of hypocrisy with their December 11th editorial entitled “The Republicans Who Embraced Nihilism.” Failure to embrace Joe Biden as the legitimate president-elect is tantamount in their eyes to embracing a nihilist rejection of America’s democratic process itself. That’s not surprising given the editors’ hysterical warning before the election that Trump’s re-election campaign “poses the greatest threat to American democracy since the Second World War.” Forget about the real threats posed by nuclear-armed Communist nations and global Islamist terrorism. President Trump is the existential threat to the country, the editors exclaim. Fueled by their hatred of Trump, it’s not much of a leap for the Times’ editors to do what they can to help push Biden over the finish line by whatever means necessary.
The Times editorial began by bemoaning widespread Republican support for Texas’s failed constitutional challenge to the results of the presidential election in four other states where Joe Biden was declared the winner. But most of the editorial was taken up with attacking Republican supporters of President Trump more generally for daring to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s purported election victory. The editors descended into lobbing false accusations that such Republicans are engaging in “election denialism,” “undermining the rule of law,” an “assault on truth,” and “anti-democratic tendencies.”.
The real nihilists and election deniers are the Democrats and their shills in the media, who refused to accept Donald Trump as the duly elected president of the United States in 2016 or to acknowledge the legitimacy of his presidency. Obsessed with their hatred of President Trump, these deniers wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them in the face. They were complicit in undermining the rule of law and democracy by concocting and pursuing endless bogus charges against Trump, starting with the Russian collusion hoax. The New York Times has been a leading generator of fake news hit jobs against the president.
The late Democrat Rep. John Lewis, who along with approximately a third of his Democrat House comrades refused to attend Trump’s inauguration, said “I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president." Paul Krugman, one of the Times’ leading left wing op-ed columnists, wrote a piece on January 16, 2017 praising Lewis’s refusal to recognize Trump as a legitimate president. Krugman called Lewis’s stance “an act of patriotism.” After the 2020 election, Krugman falsely claimed that “Democrats never said Donald Trump was illegitimate," adding that Biden will “be the first modern U.S. president trying to govern in the face of an opposition that refuses to accept his legitimacy.” Krugman glossed over his own praise of Lewis nearly four years ago for denying Trump’s legitimacy as president.
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