
The New York Times issued a correction on Sunday after it was revealed that the Capitol police officer who they reported had been killed by supporters of former President Donald Trump after being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher actually died of a different cause.

"UPDATE: New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police," the Times wrote.

"Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit," the story now reads. "Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official."

The article had initially stated that Sicknick died "from brain injuries he sustained after Trump loyalists who overtook the complex struck him in the dead with a fire extinguisher."

The paper used anonymous sources to substantiate their claim.

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  • Okay so he was not bludgeoned to death - I think we all kind of expected that.  But why haven't we heard that the person who killed AshliBabbitt (th Air Force Veteran killed by a Capitol Police Officer).  Remember she was shot in the head - that is not a shot to stop anyone; it is a shot to kill!

  • I stopped watching the news months ago.  It is all biased and fake.  It really is a shame what has happened to the MSM.

  • Nothing like rushing to judgement and putting out a story without checking for facts.  Typical of the media today - all lies!  

    • The MSM is not into reporting facts or events as they actually occur...  Journalism has become a hotbed for CREATIVE WRITING... fiction reported as fact. 

      The MSM is the propaganda arm of the Marxist Democrat Party... the news is agenda-driven, the NARRATIVE of the left.  The news is not the product of investigative journalism, it is the product of fiction. and the current NARRATIVE of the Marxist propaganda ministry...(The MSM)   Investigative reporting is problematic.  One doesn't need inconvenient facts getting in the way of the party narrative. Who needs facts anyway?  All they do is get in the way of progress.

  • Everyone in America knows that the media is fake news and likes to tell lies. It was so refreshing to have President Trump in the White House who told the truth straight to we the people but the powers to be shut him down because they don't want us to hear the truth. Little do they know that we still have trustworthy news channels, social media circles, and websites like this one.

  • Let us face it the left doesn't care about the truth all they care is to spread the rumors even if they don't know what happened because at the end of the day nothing will happen to them and they know it.

  • The bigger the lie, the greater the left believes it will be accepted...  lying is an art form for the Democrat Party... after all the truth is all relative, based on perception more than fact.  Control the narrative and you control what is perceived as truth... the are of Marxist Propaganda. 

    Nearly every recent Black Victim of excessive force was a fraud.  Autopsies and follow up investigations prove these victims died of drug overdoses, lawful use of force by police attempting to make an arrest, as an act of self-defense by police, or other criminal behavior by the so-called victim.

    None of these deaths would have occurred if the victims were not engaged in a crime or resisted arrest.  The death of the police officer in the Capitol incident is also the fictional creation of the MSM. It is time that the MSM be held accountable for their incitement to riot and the use of propaganda to obstruct justice.

    • Hi Ron, Happy President's Day. Love your comments, as always; I guess I have  SLIGHTLY MORE AGGRESSIVE approach to these vile Socialists, traitors and insurectionists.

      These gangbangers, putrid Feminist FISH-HAGS, foul-mouthed anarchists and in-your-face violence-provoking BLM ghetto-rats will soon be taking the 'Room Temperature Challenge'. These domestic terrorists will die without prior warning, with overwhelming speed and extreme prejudice and violence of action. They will be dropped where they stand and never get up.

      These generations of asocial barbarians [Black & White] can never be saved, domesticated, contained, controlled or re-educated to join any civilized society., anywhere in the world. Eradication and total annihilation of their ilk is the only possible solution. Like any terrorist, they will be given a dirt nap; then fed to the pigs, vultures, and sharks.

      This is a Civil war, a war of human attrition and clearly a “To-the-DEATH” Racial war, that we will win! Their BLM diseased simian blood and ANTIFA’s predator blood will turn our streets, creeks and rivers red. Bring it, you vile sub-human savages; or we will take it to YOU!

      If you are among the aggressive mob rioters, whether as a spectator, the press or an active thug attacker, you will be carried off in a body-bag none-the-less. Be forewarned and AVOID the rioting if you value your life. Otherwise, “THE SKY WILL FALL ON YOU, AS WELL”. Way past time to stop pi$$ing off old white men with more guns than any Army. You will not survive!8557090670?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • And just like SCOTUS Scalia, body cremated so no further investigation necessary.

  • Marxist governments don't run off respect or love... they dominate the public with FEAR and TERROR.  They know the people will never respect them and they could care less if they do ... they respect only one thing ... obedience to the collective and the maintenance of their power to rule the masses... by any means necessary.

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