Newsom defeats recall attempt

GarynearTahoe on Twitter: &quot;What&#39;s next her visiting this idiot? Let me know  when she is coming I have clown suits for everyone… <a href=;" />

California Gov. Gavin Newsom survived a historic recall election Tuesday, winning a major vote of confidence during a COVID-19 pandemic that has shattered families and livelihoods and tested his ability to lead the state through the largest worldwide health crisis in modern times.

The recall offered Republicans their best chance in more than a decade to take the helm of the largest state in the union. But the effort was undercut when Newsom and the nation's leading Democrats, aided by visits to California by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, portrayed the campaign to oust the governor as a "life and death" battle against "Trumpism" and far-right anti-vaccine activists.

Conservative talk show host Larry Elder led the 46 candidates on the second question on the ballot hoping to become governor, but that became meaningless after a majority of California voters decided to keep Newsom in office.

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  • Pelosi nephew....we knew he would! He wants to run for President......he could not be recalled!

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