Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich Says All The Quiet Parts Out Loud

- The system is rigged
- Voting is rigged
- Both parties are paid off
- Not just politicians but millions of people being paid off with tax payer money
- They’ll do anything to stop Trump and more

“I think Trump is the most aggressive and competent opponent that the Franklin Roosevelt Coalition has ever faced. They've run the country now since 1932. They built huge bureaucracies, huge sets of rules.

They paid off millions of people with taxpayer money. And all of a sudden, they have an opponent who's very serious about dismantling and replacing their corrupt system.

They're terrified of him. And from their standpoint, breaking the law, rigging the game, whatever it takes, they're gonna do to try to beat him at every level.

The trial in New York is just 1 example. It's totally dishonest. I actually think that the judge in the New York trial and the students illegally occupying the building in Columbia University are really the same people.

They're people who believe in breaking the law to impose their will on the United States. And I think that you're seeing a trial which is probably the most dishonest, most corrupt trial of any political figure in American history.”

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  • That makes sense! 

    • Of course it does. The problem is the commiecrats don't care if we know it or not, ilona.

  • Newt is one of the finest political minds of our time, that's for certain. He is a brilliant historian and an excellent analyst. He is right about this too. I'm certain that there are MANY powerful people out there who have no intention of allowing Trump to be president again. And that's in our country alone! China certainly does not want him to be president again, and the Mexican cartels know their lucrative businesses will be decimated if he's president again. All that adds up to one HUGE target on Trump's back. I certainly hope he and his advisors know this and are taking appropriate action to protect him. If we don't have Trump to help us turn this ship around, I fear for our nation's future. If there is any.

  • Finally, an honest response from a well-placed and respected Political leader... America is toast if we don't elect Pres. Trump and a down-ticket majority that supports Trump's MAGA policies.

    • One doesn't swim in a sewer without getting dirty... or becoming infected with the slime they encounter.  God informs us not to stand in the way with the wicked, nor to covenant with them... We are to be a separate people... a Royal Priesthood and Holy Nation separated unto the service of God. America has long left that vision for the gutter... and we are now reaping what we have sown.

      Pointing fingers will not change a thing... America needs Godly leadership and moral clarity in government.  We must send moral and religious men and women to Washington, DC if we are to have self-government of the people, for the People, and by the People.

  • Gingrich was part of the Swamp for many years and is complascent in what has happened in the last 50 years. Gingrich should STFU and disappear.

    • All of them are corrupt to some degree

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