Newt: This Is A Genuine Crisis of Our Survival

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    • They think that they are smarter than Donald Trump , he has it all set up in his favor .He got wise after the fraud in 2016 , he will take them out .We will never hear from Slleepy Joe again . Ask me how on facebook messanger and I will share it with you .Message Norma Jean/Michigan

    • I comment on here a lot. I am not on Facebook but want to know how you think President Trump is going to pull this out. Can you email me the info.? 

  • The socialist party is stealing the election from the president to the senate DOJ do your job 

  • If they get away with stealing the Presidency, then we have lost our Democratic Republic!

    • Michael, yes we have and the gop establishment wants it to happen.  mcconnell, graham, collins, murkowski, cornyn, romney, and many others are owned by soros!!!!!

    • Seems that way. Haven't heard a peep from any of them!

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