Newt: Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president

50+ ISMs ideas in 2020 | socialism, fascism, politics

A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory.

The friend made the case that Mr. Biden had gotten more votes, and historically we recognize the person with the most votes. Normally, we accept the outcome of elections just as we accept the outcomes of sporting events.

So, my friend asked why was 2020 different?

Having spent more than four years watching the left #Resist President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings.

As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.

The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds.

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  • I will not obey any socialist orders and I will not surrender my Freedom to no government time to fight the days of waiting for help has passed.

    • I'm with you, Lorenzo. We need Trump to stop this, and we the people need to give him absolute powers to drain the swamp, to clean up the mess, to make America great again as he did in his first term. Otherwise we'll lose our freedom and liberties. 

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    • "But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."  Quote 'Declaration of Independence'

      It is not just our right to rebel when governments become oppressive... it is OUR DUTY TO THROW OFF SUCH GOVERNMENTS...

  • One of the greatest problems is an internal one... a compromised GOP leadership and a CCP sympathizer running the US Senate...  Sen. Mitch McConnell attempted to concede the election in favor of Joe Biden and no one seems to care that he and several other US Senators operating under a false flag as Republican's are working to undermine the True Election results in their long struggle to remove Pres. Trump from the Office of President... these individuals need to be investigated and charged with accessories to the COUP attempt... treason.   Sen McConnell has taken millions from his wife's immediate family ... and they're closely tied to the CCP leadership.  Why McConnell was ever returned to his office by KY citizens is beyond me... possibly a Dominion rigged election or the Democrats simply threw the election knowing Sen McConnell is a covert member of the Socialist Democrat Party and a Pro-Coup plant in the GOP.

    • McConnell, inc. was his largest contributor to his re-election. Money works when people don't pay attention and when they are busy listening to

  • Newt you are not alone I will not accept a fake president along with 74+million others voters.

  • The world just witnessed a classic Marxist covert COUP... using their tried and true practice of subverting elections for the purpose of installing a Marxist regime... Thus, fundamentally transforming the nation's government into a Marxist State.  This was not about Election Fraud... this was about subversive warfare... the use of asymmetrical war to disguise a HOSTILE TAKE OVER of the US Government.  

    It is time that Pres. Trump addresses the Nation and lays out the cold hard facts... the Marxist in America just conducted a Coup de'Eta and if left in place, they will be using the coming months to purge the nation of any counter-revolutionaries.  He must then declare Martial Law and use the Military to clean out the Marxist in law enforcement, the courts, and our public institutions of government and education... it will take months and the trials for treason will make the Nurenberg Trials of the Nazi's look like kids play.

    Any attempt to handle this crisis without Marital Law will result in the Marxist digging in even deeper and eventually full-blown Civil War will be the only road back to Constitutional Government.  Mr. President get rid of those who counsel piece-meal solutions to this major crisis... compromise and civility will not return civil order and lawful government... it will only lead to deeper problems and the need for Civil War or capitulation to the Communist hordes... they are here, and they intend on staying.


    • The use of fraudulent elections by Marxist insurgents in the 3rd world is a classical tactic to subvert and replace a populace supported government... a bloodless coup d'état.  Just because we are considered a modern and advanced nation doesn't mean Marxist insurgents have changed their tactics...  rigging elections is not a new tactic for them.  And Jan 6th will not bring it to a close.... in fact, the election in the House of Representatives may not happen if the GOP Senate doesn't get behind Pres. Trump TOTALLY... the vote in the House can be postponed until as late as 28 January...

      We all need to call and write our GOP Senators and Representatives... to inform them ANY... ANY lack of support for the President will be seen as treason... part of the Coup, as an accessory to the election fraud and we will all demand their resignations and or prosecutions for treason... we must not blink on this issue.

      Coup d'état:  Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction... or party.  Coup's can exist in 4th Generation warfare which typically involves covert surrogates and non-state parties who undermine the host nations government and social institutions weakening them from the inside out until they are ripe for election fraud or other forms of quasi-legal usurpation of the governing apparatus of the state.... transforming it into a Marxist state.  War is constantly evolving as conventional and nuclear options prove untenable due to their utter destruction of the prize... and those involved.


    • I agree. In 2020 the United States of America looks more like a failed banana republic than a member of the free world, let alone the leader of the free world. 


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