Why does the wind blow changing its direction at will... why do some men compromise their values for a mere bowl of porridge and others require a pig's ear for a silk purse.  Why?  Why after 3 1/2 yrs are we told to wait... the swamp will be drained next year and when next year comes and the swamp is larger and filled with more alligators and snakes... what will be the excuse but I need a little more time. 

When does patience become an excuse for cowardice or complicity... when is enough, enough... will the oceans need to be drained before the swamps are drained... will Trump ever find enough Judges or members of the SCOTUS too claim the prize to make America Great Again?  Where is that Greatness anyway... in the statutes pulled down or the number of flags spit upon and burnt... how many more of those precious blood-bought symbols of our pride and Nation need to be destroyed before we are Great Again?

Some would rather swallow a Camel than to admit it is in the tent and has brought others with him... Some would see the White House aflame and say next year, next year we will build a new one. However, that man shall never see next year or a new house ... nor will a nation of fools reap where patience, once a virtue, becomes King and Evil rules the day and no more hides in the shadows of the night.  I wish you lots of luck with NEXT YEAR...  Next year the rain will fall and the deserts will bloom, next year the wicked will just pack up and go away. Yeah, next year.

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  • Patients should never be an excuse for inaction... delay justice is denied justice.  Failure to enforce the law with speed and efficiency leads to greater criminal conduct... as the guilty believe they can escape justice.

  • Next Year America Will Be Great Again and the deserts will bloom, the sun shall shine and the fields will bear the fruit of our hands... without toil or sorrow. Next year we will build a new house and next year our children will read God's Word aloud in the Public Schools... abortion will be outlawed, the murder of the innocent purged from our institutions of health; yeah, and more, much more... next year.

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