Supreme Court Just Gave Back Half Of Oklahoma To Native Americans... Leftist Judges Uphold the 1866 Treaty. Under the ruling, the state of Oklahoma has no right to prosecute you for crimes. In a 5-4 decision, leftist members of the court and Neil Gorsuch upheld a treaty dating back to 1866 in order to restore Native American jurisdiction over eastern Oklahoma, home to nearly 2 million American citizens. This would put Tulsa on a Native American reservation and outside of state jurisdiction. If this doesn’t ignite people to vote Republican this November nothing will. In the event, Trump loses to Joe Biden, precedent is now set for giving up more territory to the Native Americans across the United States... in principal all of the United States may be claimed by Native Americans... and the ancient laws of conquest will be thrown out... .as a means of obtaining title to lands. This Supreme Court Judgment is so twisted and convoluted that every Justice on the Court needs to be relieved... removed.
There are over 1700 criminals who may now be released under this ruling... as the State had no jurisdiction to prosecute them or to incarcerate them. Eastern Oklahoma is now under Muskogee Indian jurisdiction per this Supreme Court ruling... thus, denying Oklahoma any claim of jurisdiction over millions of acres in Eastern Oklahoma. What happened to the Indian Land Claims Settlements established by the United States Congress, codified in 25 U.S.C. ch. 19. These settlements were supposed to end all live claims of aboriginal title and jurisdiction in the United States.
Niel Gorsuch shows his True colors as a LIBERAL JUSTICE... more betrayal. The 1866 treaty was broken more than 150 yrs later. All of the property in Eastern Oklahoma now reverts to Indian jurisdiction... your ownership of property will be undermined and you could lose your home. TIme for martial law and the removal of the US Supreme Court as insurrectionist... they just gave away half a sovereign state... The president and Congress are sworn to guarantee the Oklahoma citizens a Republican form of government.
The people of Oklahoma may be in full revolt... when they discover they no longer hold title to their homes and business. The US Government and the State of Oklahoma had no right based on this Supreme Court decision to issue title to Indian lands held by the treaty of 1866. I believe this case was improperly argued by the DOJ and Oklahoma... all Indian claims were settled in the '70s by Congress. We are looking at massive revolt if this case is not immediately reversed by Congress and the justices who sided with the Majority on this case removed from the Court...
So, the Indian's own Tulsa Oklahoma according to the US Supreme Court... the State of Oklahoma has no jurisdiction, and avoided 1866 Treaty applies... hell no! Did the SCOTUS and parties in this lawsuit forget... That the Indian and Oklahoma territories each voted to become a single State in 1907, and that Congress admitted both the Indian territory and US Oklahoma territory, into the UNION as the State of Oklahoma... a SINGLE SOVERIGN entity created by the consolidation of two sovereign territories... Thus, voiding the Indian's treaty of1866 by a vote of the Indians holding title and by an act of Congress in 1907.
Lawyers seem to have a tendency to disregard common walking around sense, and then pretend that matters that come before them are so deeply complicated that ordinary citizens cannot even begin to fathom how they should and must be 'reasoned' out. Supreme Court Justices become eaten up with vanity believing that they possess the mental acuity and god like minds that are capable of unraveling and solving the complicated calculus of laws and treaties, or anything that they decide is worthy of their divine attention.
There is no justice. Justice has been supplanted by bull-shit. Know nothings in black robes. Rulings like these destroy confidence in government. Oklahoman's should give the bird finger to this 'decision'. Idiocy should never be allowed to become law. No, all Americans should. The entire country belongs to those who came before us. The United States is illegal. Hell, the entire world is for that matter.
In 1907, Congress decided to admit BOTH Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory into the Union as a single state. Representatives of the two territories drafted a constitution, and on September 17, 1907, it was approved by voters of the two territories. On November 16, Oklahoma was welcomed into the United States. Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory collectively entered the United States as Oklahoma, the 46th state. All previous treaties became void with the dissolution of the Indian territories and the vote by both parties to accept the terms of Statehood. THE SCOTUS IS FULL OF **IT... All former treaties undertaken before both parties... Indian and Oklahoma territories... became the State of Oklahoma are null and void.
Unless the feds buy or are gifted land by the states, they have no right to this this.
This is NOT their business. The land is Oklahoma's land. Period. History says so.
The SCOTUS is beyond any sense of being able to read and understand the basics of our rights and liberties. They are outlaws, unbound by reason, words, concepts, foundations or any other good thing. They are just as detrimental to our liberties and freedoms as any other outlaw group.
What they are doing is actually laying a basis for reparations, whether they realize it or not.
The BLM and Interior have no right too lands claimed other than those authorized by the sovereign states and the US Constitution. Our Founding Father's were specific with regard to limits on land ownership by the Federal Government reserving them to 10 square miles for a Capitol, and land for Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Shipyards and needfjul buildings See: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16... of the US Constitution.
In addition, all Federal lands must be purchased by the Federal Government from the State holding allodial title... and any transfer of sovereignty APPROVED by the State's Legislatures before the Federal Government assumes title. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has NO JURISDICTION TO GIVE AWAY OKLAHOMA SOVERIGN LANDS... not by an act of Congress, not by federal treaty, not by decree of the SCOTUS. The land held by the State of Oklahoma is sovereign property, to do with as the people of Oklahoma determine. Indian reservations and their jurisdiction and title to such lands were settled long ago, by an act of Congress and the consent of the Indian tribes at the time... thus, defining the sovereign State of Oklahoma and its borders, when Oklahoma (both Federal and Indian Territory) became a sovereign state. See:
In 1907, Congress decided to admit BOTH Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory into the Union as a single state. Representatives of the two territories drafted a constitution, and on September 17, 1907, it was approved by voters of the two territories. On November 16, Oklahoma was welcomed into the United States by President Theodore Roosevelt.