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  • The Arizona Legislature needs to remove the Governor is this is true...

    • There is a compact agreement on the Colorado River water right between the Navajo's and Arizona State.

      The state governments have no authority on the reservations, they are self-governing..


    • New Mexico



    • Thanks for the correction William.... albeit the Arizona governor isn't much better... 

    • I want to see a democrats in prison I don't think the Arizona legislature is going to do it.


  • Who the hell do these people think they are? I will not be surprised if someone doesn't say they have had enough and start attacking these idiots! They  forget they work for us and need to be voted out the next election. 

    • Hey! Rocky I am with you on that one you are correct.


    • The problem with the Tea Party movement is that it was infiltrated by the same Zionists who have infiltrated and destroyed our Representative Republic. THAT'S why the Tea Party went nowhere, it was quite powerful and growing more so every day and that's why they sent in the troops to destroy it. 


      People have to learn that we are fighting to win, there's  no "code" when it comes to this. Power is not something that one just hands over freely, we've got a serious problem and Americans don't want to face what it's going to take to get this country back. So they let it slide even further into the abyss

    • Hey! Pamela the only way this country is ever going back is not by fighting with people it's by fighting spiritual wickedness in high places, therefore, our job is to pray and ask God to intervene on our behalf.

  • Extremely unfair. Pray our president will step in and make this right. 

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