No NAACP, 9/11 Was Not An “Incident”


The NAACP decided to reclassify 9/11 as an “incident.” No, I’m not kidding. Above is a photo of the tweet they sent out.

This is SERIOUSLY the equivalent of Ilhan Omar’s “some people did something!” 

It’s unfathomable to me that we’d have to REMIND people that what happened on 9/11 was a full out attack on our country by Islamic terrorists. It was an attack against FREEDOM. Yet here we have the NAACP, a civil rights organization, classifying this day as an “incident.” 

Rick Rescorla wasn’t just some people. If it wasn’t for him, the number of people killed would’ve been far greater. The Man in the Red Bandana, Welles Crowther, gave his life at age 24 while saving the lives of so many others. 

Cops and firefighters ran INTO the towers, service men and women ran INTO the Pentagon. The passengers on Flight 93 attacked the terrorists so their plane wouldn’t be used to kill more Americans. read more here:

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    • It was people just like her that voted her into office. America haters imbedded in the country by obama. There use to be a law from 1952 that prohibited muslims from establishing residency in the U.S. and were not allowed to hold a government office, the left repealed it in their quest to destroy America. Our forefathers were so much smarter than the piles of dog excrement in office today. You just need to remember, without the U.S.A., the world would be a cesspool planet of depraved leftist demons.

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