*Peace in the Middle East. (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, etc).
*Iran quiet.
*Afghanistan quiet.
*Korea quiet.
*China in check and increasing trade.
*USA feared & respected at NATO.
*NATO members started paying their fair share.
*Illegal immigration stopped at southern border.
*Best economy in years.
*New businesses booming.
*Cost of gas ($1.43 June 1st. 2020). Trump was shooting for a national base of $1.50.
*USA #1 producer of gas & oil in the world.
*FAIR trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.
Since Biden stoled the office, we now have:
BORDER CRISIS- millions of illegals entering our country with drugs, human trafficking, etc. (Trump had it all stopped).
INFLATION- Worse inflation since 1980, next will be total shutdown.
CRIME- up 40%.
ENERGY CRISIS- Biden gave away our energy dominance & our military oil reserve to China.
VACCINE MANDATE- He changed the vaccines in May of 2020 so he can poke children and is now forcing an illegal vaccine mandate which has caused a worker shortage.
SUPPLY CHAIN DISASTER- With no sign of getting better.
As Americans stare at this incompetent, illegal Presidency, while the Democrats show incessant focus on January 6th while pushing Socialist values and denying Democratic high crimes, while Russia and China are seizing the opportunity to realize their global ambitions during Biden's rudderless leadership and with his assistance, now, as Putin has an all-out blitz on Ukraine, the American people are facing an unparalleled disaster! It's a bleak time for Americans!BTW, Zelinsky just bought his parents a $8 million villa complete with a saltwater pool and a new car each. Thanks Joe!
To the Sheep that voted Biden, we had people like you before our own revolutionary war (they were British sympathizers called Tories). The people finally had enough, they were arrested for treason and hung! I hope your children forgive you in time!
Remember, don't believe what they say, believe what they do! The cost of oil didn't skyrocket because of big oil OR Putin, it was caused by Biden on his first day in office! Google it.
Under Trump Nov. 3rd 2020.
*Peace in the Middle East. (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, etc).
*Iran quiet.
*Afghanistan quiet.
*Korea quiet.
*China in check and increasing trade.
*USA feared & respected at NATO.
*NATO members started paying their fair share.
*Illegal immigration stopped at southern border.
*Best economy in years.
*New businesses booming.
*Cost of gas ($1.43 June 1st. 2020). Trump was shooting for a national base of $1.50.
*USA #1 producer of gas & oil in the world.
*FAIR trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.
Since Biden stoled the office, we now have:
BORDER CRISIS- millions of illegals entering our country with drugs, human trafficking, etc. (Trump had it all stopped).
INFLATION- Worse inflation since 1980, next will be total shutdown.
CRIME- up 40%.
ENERGY CRISIS- Biden gave away our energy dominance & our military oil reserve to China.
VACCINE MANDATE- He changed the vaccines in May of 2020 so he can poke children and is now forcing an illegal vaccine mandate which has caused a worker shortage.
SUPPLY CHAIN DISASTER- With no sign of getting better.
As Americans stare at this incompetent, illegal Presidency, while the Democrats show incessant focus on January 6th while pushing Socialist values and denying Democratic high crimes, while Russia and China are seizing the opportunity to realize their global ambitions during Biden's rudderless leadership and with his assistance, now, as Putin has an all-out blitz on Ukraine, the American people are facing an unparalleled disaster! It's a bleak time for Americans! BTW, Zelinsky just bought his parents a $8 million villa complete with a saltwater pool and a new car each. Thanks Joe!
To the Sheep that voted Biden, we had people like you before our own revolutionary war (they were British sympathizers called Tories). The people finally had enough, they were arrested for treason and hung! I hope your children forgive you in time!
Remember, don't believe what they say, believe what they do! The cost of oil didn't skyrocket because of big oil OR Putin, it was caused by Biden on his first day in office! Google it.