No resistance armed or unarmed is effective without first being organized and properly funded... equipped. We can debate the need for peaceful verses violent revolution but neither... will occur without first having found effective leadership and the needed resourcing to materialize.
What we have in America is a deficit in real leadership... a people willing to follow but with no one to follow. It is not a lack of understanding or a sense of urgency, sufficient numbers of the people have both.... while, others remain uncertain they stand ready to be convinced by good leaders ... Leaders, with the skills and RESOURCES to fulfill their promises. The people are not so ignorant as to hook their wagon to a broken-down horse... they instinctively know a winner when they see and hear one.
Until true Leaders arise ... and the funding needed materializes there will be no revolution in America... no return to Constitutional government and our Republic will be adrift in a sea of distress pending relief and a strong captain at the helm.
However, the real power to change our government rests with those who hold the reins of government and that power is focused on the Office of the President. The President is the CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER... not the AG. The deep state would have us believe that the President MUST follow the advice of his AG and that of the Judiciary...
Why, because they are sold out Pettifoggers/lawyers... unworthy of our trust... They have proven their disloyalty to the Constitution and in fact, have declared the Constitution IS WHATEVER THEY SAY IT IS... That, the PEOPLE and the JURY nullification process is not the final arbiter of the law... THEY ARE THE FINAL ARBITER... AND THEY INTEND ON USING THE LAW FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES... operating the government under the COLOR OF LAW.
This must end ... but it will take a President willing to declare Martial Law to drain the Swamp... A President who is willing to install a 'Term Limits. and Recall Amendment'...One term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the government standing for election or appointment every 2 yrs... ONE TERM ONLY PERIOD!
The PEOPLE must be ready to go to DC and their Capitols in support of the President when he moves to clean out the swamp... They must be prepared to remain in every Capitol, demanding the resignation of all government officials, subject to new elections and appointments... nothing less than a total makeover of the siting government will work.
Until we find leaders capable of marshaling the People... of motivating them to take to the streets and remain in the streets ... until they have secured new governments... federal, state and local... there will be no reform, no return to our founding father's vision for an America free from the shackles of oppression and the oppressors, those willing to trample on the liberty of others for their own aggrandizement and power.
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