
  • How sick we  have become as a nation, This nation needs to return to GOD, And parents like this one have NO IDEA the destruction they are doing to their child, There is  no way a childs brain has developed enough to even understand the implication of what is happening in their little lives,My first thoughts these parents are in need of professional help as well as the children, My second thought is if FEDERAL FUNDS are being used in these procedures IT MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. CAN WE GET ANY SICKER IN THIS NATION? GOD HELP US WE CAN NO LONGER HELP OUESELVES. We are the most BLESSED and fortunate nation in the world and we have abandoned all common sense, We MUST WAKE UP, WASHINGTON D.C. DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS, A RETURN TO FAITH AND MORAL VALUES MUST COME FROM US.

  • God help us!

  • OMG don't tell me toddlers can make a life altering decision.  If their parents are the ones who say to do it: take those kids away immediately and permanently.  Also force the mother to have a nystreectomy so she can't have any more children; she obviously doesn't have the mental ability to raise children.  As for the Medical Schools - SHUT THEM DOWN; they obviously don't have any ethics or morality.  And make certain the doctors never practice medicine again.


    I found this yesterday and didn't share it...but, it seems important to this discussion


    • THANK YOU ADIM FOR POSTING THIS, We must wake up.

    • The mother is a flaming idiot; there should be charges of EXTREME CHILD ABUSE filed against the mother, the doctor who performed the procedure, the so-called child specialist and any one else involved in this experimental circus!!!>

    • Said parent should be in a mental institution.


    • What a sick - sick parent...!!  The poor child will not have the normal chances at life like many other children will have.  But the parents will bask in some weird glory with their peers that they have a trans-child.  Yet back in the day when the LBTQ weirdos were first activating for their rights, we all thought that it was just for same sex couples to have insurance, and equal rights...but little did we know that subtle by little, and subtle again that it would morph into this sick world that our children are having to endure.  Our society needs to be cleanesed by this scourage and done completely away with as being unlawful against society at large.


  • Of course both the failed parents AND school system are responsible for the failures.

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