Not all opinions are responsible or healthy... most of the Marxist culture is laced with the poison of harmful opinion... many professing to hold the fundamental building blocks of a utopian society.  The problem with such views is that they allow no room for any other public discourse or opinions for social order.

Such narrow-minded opinions block the free expression of alternative social constructs and order...   We have for too long allowed such opinions to be shared in the classrooms and social debate of our children... The result is the creation of an entire culture that will not permit deviance of any sort from the government's policies, and cultural mandates of the Marxists.

All opinions don't deserve to be promoted or given equal billing on the stage of life... some are too dangerous.  Marxism is poison to the pursuit of individual excellence and moral (Godly) government.  Marxist opinion should not be allowed to take root as an acceptable form of social order and discourse  To give it equal time or privilege among our youth is a certain formula for chaos and destruction of all other forms of social order.

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  • 12426702668?profile=RESIZE_930x

    In 1630 a group of Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay area with the goal of developing a society based on biblical principles as embodied by the English Reformation. The doctrine of the priesthood of the believer motivated Puritans to teach reading to all citizens so that they could know and follow the Christian scriptures. As early as 1642, Massachusetts law required literacy instruction to all children, servants, and apprentices. The 1647 Old Deluder Satan Act—in order to ensure that “learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers”—required every township of 50 households to hire a teacher. Towns twice that size were mandated to set up schools that would prepare students for Harvard. With only the hornbook—a sheet containing the letters of the alphabet, mounted on a wooden frame and protected with thin transparent layers of horn—and the Bible available in most schools, New England was ready for a textbook that would be affordable, portable, and compatible with the predominant worldview.

    Borrowing principles from John Amos Comenius’s Orbis Sensualium Pictus and his own Protestant Tutor, Harris incorporated crude woodcut illustrations and religious content to teach reading skills and to encourage rote memorization of Calvinist doctrine. Graduated literacy instruction began with the alphabet, simple letter combinations, and syllables, increasing to complex sentences intended for rote memorization. Themes of sin, death, punishment, salvation, and respect for authority were displayed through alphabetic rhymed couplets, poems, prayers, and scriptures. The theme of punishment, for instance, was exhibited in the rhyming couplet for the letter F: “The idle fool / Is whipt at school.” Such themes for a child’s textbook may seem morbid in light of the 18th-cent

    This is who we were.


    Massachusetts Bay | Coastal, Atlantic, Wildlife
    Massachusetts Bay, inlet of the North Atlantic Ocean, extending southward for about 60 miles (100 km) from Cape Ann to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.…
    • The Church needs to return as our children's schoolmaster and our community's social director... We need to protect our children from the open filth passing as ethical conduct by our civic leadership and public schools.  Churches unable to start their own schools need to open their doors to assisted homeschooling. 

      Let the church organize volunteer part-time instructors who have the religious, math, science, history, civics, and language skills needed to round out a traditional classical education... an education anchored in the core curriculum and text provided through a correspondence homeschool program such as ABEKA ... a program supervised by parent volunteers in a cooperative church environment... an environment where the proficiency needed to teach complex subjects is provided by integrated part-time instruction from experts found in the congregation. 

      In any event, the Church must retake its rightful place at the head of the Christian community and its families... The education of our children in a Church setting would reestablish the Church as the leading cultural institution in America.  Pull your children out of Belial's centers for indoctrination... the public schools... and defund them.  Organize Church based homeschools, and start a mass return to the Church as a center for the education of our children and a key institution for civic discourse.

    • That is what we need. Then—every single college was a Bible College, even Harvard.
      Hard to imagine that now, but it was. 

      End the Dept of Ed and sue them for everything they have violated. They took no oaths.
      Mass class action parental lawsuits. Even Trump's Sec of ED, Betsey DeVos, signed us
      right up with the UN Standards of Edu. A clear and present danger to American ideals.

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