
This past Sunday, March 14, 2021, marked the 2021 Grammys award ceremony. Usually, I pay exactly zero attention to celebrity awards shows, but this year’s event deserves a mention.

After a year marked by ever-increasing anti-Semitic incidents and the continued normalization of leftist Jew-hate, the Recording Academy decided that what the show really needed was a special performance by disgraced former Women’s March leader, Louis Farrakhan-supporter, and (as far as I can tell) non-musician Tamika Mallory.

Tamika Mallory has long maintained that she is an “intersectional” activist, and working on behalf of all marginalized peoples. But her consistent exclusion of Jews from her efforts, not to mention her embrace of several species of Jew-hater, tell a different story. We’ve covered Mallory’s malfeasance on multiple occasions, including when she refused to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state; referred to the infamous Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as the “greatest of all time”; when she (on national television, no less) refused to condemn Farrakhan’s long history of anti-Jewish hate-mongering; attended a Nation of Islam conference and earned special, affectionate shout-outs from Farrakhan during his keynote address; and when she earned yet more praise from Farrakhan at the Nation of Islam conference the following year.

Mallory’s relationship with Farrakhan is deeper still. As our late friend and brilliant blogger Petra Marquardt-Bigman detailed in The Times of Israel,

In 2016, Mallory apparently shared the stage with Farrakhan for the Saviours’ Day event, which is an annual NOI holiday marking the birth of its founder. Since Mallory excitedly announced that she was “super ready” for Farrakhan’s speech and that she needed Farrakhan’s “hardcore truth”, it is noteworthy that the ADL highlighted the anti-Semitism promoted by Farrakhan during the same event in 2015:

“During Part 2 of his 2015 Saviours’ Day keynote address at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Farrakhan used his platform to claim Israel and Jews orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. Farrakhan said, “Israelis had foreknowledge of the attacks” and that Jews were warned ahead of time not to come to work that day. He then went on to speak more broadly of Israeli control of the American government, stating that Israel and Jews “don’t fear America because they control it from within.””

Mallory has yet to disavow Farrakhan, or even to sincerely condemn his innumerable hateful outbursts; but her consistently tepid response to discrimination against Jews didn’t stop the Recording Academy and several of the musicians it honored from holding Mallory up as a spokesperson for civil rights at the first Grammy Awards since George Floyd’s murder sparked Black Lives Matter‘s resurgence. read more here:

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