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Limited Martial Law would permit the President to suspend certain actions by the federal Couts... and to waylay the hundreds of cases that would be filed to challenge the President's authority to personally 'take care' that the laws be faithfully executed. (See: Article 2, Section 3 US Constitution) Martial Law would permit the President to go after individuals in the FBI, DOJ, Intel Services, and others who have or are currently violating our laws with impunity. The use of Martial Law to ensure that the deep state is dissolved and held accountable for their lawless conduct is the only way indictments of any consequence will occur, as there simply are too many agents in the government implicated in treason, sedition, and insurrection to expect them to self-incriminate or confess.
Next, Martial law would permit the President to regulate our current election processes free from fraud... ensuring they are fair and honorable... not the product of deliberate and widespread voter and election fraud. If the President permits mail-in ballots and allows states to send ballots to all those registered to vote... many will be receiving multiple ballots the result of improper and illegal voter registration records, and the dead may be voting from the grave.
Mail-In Ballots must be limited to those who qualify as absentee voters... those, not in the state or able to be PRESENT to vote... hospitalized, nursing homes, traveling on business, etc. Those who are in a lockdown situation must be provided with extended voter access to the POLLS, not the MAIL... The States can schedule voting by Alphabet over 2-3 days if needed... to stagger voter turn-out and keep social distancing requirements while at the polls. Provide a final day of voting in person for those who due to unforeseeable circumstances may vote. No mail-in ballots for able bodied voters present on election day(s).
Mail-in ballots invite massive fraud... the normal process for challenging a voters legitimacy to vote are circumvented... One does not know who filled out the ballot. We only know that someone, claiming to be the voter, completed the ballot. Mail-in voting must not be permitted. Currently, the only way to stop it would be by declaring Martial Law and directing the states to extend the number of days one may vote in person to accommodate social distancing and access to the polls. Under Mail-in Voting... Huge numbers of voters who have registered and move, have died, and millions of voters whose unlawful vote may go unchallenged... will vote by mail. Millions of mail-in ballots could suddenly be lost, as there is no method for the voters mailing the ballots to know for certain that their ballot was counted and counted for the correct candidate(s)... Whereas, an in-person vote is confirmed when cast by the device used to take their vote. There are just too many ways voter and election fraud can occur and has occurred, using mail-in ballots. I for one don't want the dead voting by mail.
Martial law will permit the President to personally round up the deep state operatives who have avoided arrest... Those individuals that the FBI and DOJ simply can't seem to find or refuse to bring to justice. In 3 1/2 yrs not one major political figure has been indicted for their acts of open criminal conduct... by the FBI and DOJ... Federal law enforcement and the courts have become ineffective in the dispensing of impartial justice. They have more than demonstrated they are unable to faithfully execute the Law. In fact, many of the members of the DOJ, FBI, and Courts may have engaged in criminal conduct, making their agencies questionable partners in the lawlessness.
Will America see a better tomorrow... viewing the world form her present place set high and lifted up... in the Hands of her God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth? Will her people take the actions necessary to cut out the diseased elements within her government and civil institutions? God hath declared a nation of fools, walks hand in hand with the ungodly... fornicating with the Kings of the Earth... forgetting whom they serve and where they came from.
Certain principals and precepts are timeless... Our Constitution is a major compendium of such timeless gems of wisdom... Abraham Lincoln knew the Constitution and used it wisely to save a troubled nation from itself. Those same Constitutional principals remain valid and operative to this day and our President would be well advised to take Lincoln's example under serious consideration.
One doesn't allow insurrection and sedition to remain seated in one's house or government institutions... not without inviting certain ruin to follow. The 'Swamp' is full and overflowing, it's members boldly look to drag us all down into the quagmire and stagnant decay of its waters... too, fundamentally transform our fair nation into a failed state. It is time for the President to take a page from President Lincoln, and to boldly pursue the insurrectionists wherever they are seated... including the SCOTUS. Lincoln did and he singularly saved the Union... with little help from his party or the swamp of his day.
When Lincoln faced challenges from a divided government ... he used Martial law and Presidential Warrants to remove the insurrection and seditionist from their positions of illicit power. He placed them in prison. Lincoln's America faces the growing threat of civil war and insurrection once more. America is a divided nation, with one side willing to resort to any means necessary to sustain their point of view. The Union and the Republic are once again under the serious threat of dissolution from enemies within. President Trump must act, as Lincoln once did, to save the Republic.
Let us pray that our leadership finds the courage to engage the task before them... as Lincoln resolved to perform his task to save the Union. President Trump is in a very unpopular and daunting position: Either, to suspend civil order, in an effort to restore Constitutional Government; or, to continue down the path of ineffective government; too, awake one day and find we are a nation ruled by Marxist and despots. With each passing day, the path to reform becomes more difficult, and the need for Martial Law more urgent.
President Trump must DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY deal with the lawless insurrection and seditionist... who now, boldly exercise power from key positions within our government and civil institutions. If America is to be Great Again? If America is to remain that shining City of liberty, set upon a hill... a beacon of hope, in a world of darkness... the President must act now. The President must set the helm of our ship of state on a course for safe harbors and the hope for a better tomorrow... As our ship of state is certainly headed for the rocks... it is being driven by an ill wind, with despots at the helm... Those evil men must be jettisoned, with the bilge water of their ill-begotten swamp, that America may become Great Again.