
  • The MSM is not DUMB... they are complicit with the Marxist PROPAGANDA... they are not reporters or journalist... they are political propagandists and hacks.   Don't look for any change in the MSM ... in fact, look for their narratives to become even more disconnected and insane.

  • The FBI is an unamerican organization and we need to start over concerning their roll in our government.

    • The FBI Is actually an EXTRA-CONSTITUTIONAL  federal law enforcement agency whose authority is questionable given the founder's principles regarding the enforcement of Statutory Criminal Law... US Marshalls were to be the primary law enforcement Officer (LEO) of the Federal System of Justice with the power to arrest and investigate.   Criminal law was to be the primary function of the local Constitutional Sheriff (elected Sheriff) not some bureaucratic appointed LEO.   Very little Constitutional jurisdiction extends to criminal law at the federal level.  Most of what exists is the construct of unconstitutional legislation and a complicit Federal Court ... using fiat law... the fiat law of the court.

      Eliminate the FBI and return to the US Marshalls Service as the single law enforcement agency for federal criminal law... with the exception of the US Military and the Admiralty Law of the  Seas.  Get rid of the ATF, DEA, FBI, and US Justice Department LEO's return their functions to the US Marshalls and LOCAL GOVERNMENT.   Regulatory or Administrative law should be enforced thru the US Attorney's and CIVIL ACTS not criminal.. use fines, seizures, and impounds to punish administrative law violations... regulatory violations.... not criminal.   Criminal violations under Federal Jurisdiction shoujld be limited to the Constitutional functions of the government... all 18 powers... given to the Federal Government ... and military and Admiralty law.

  • So, millions of tweets were planned and dispatched by MAGA Trumpers... and just how did they manage that?  Just how many Tweets does it take before the sheer numbers choke out the lies refuting them?

  • I am not surprised. The US government is corrupt and compromised from head to toe. They are all in on it: demonrat, GOP leadership, rinos, FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOD, DOxxxxxxx. That's why they all fight President Donald J. Trump. They fear him because he is the only one who can't be bought. That's also why the GOP leadership is building up alternatives to Trump. They want to silence him and we the people. Is it going to work?

    • Why would anyone on the Left fear Trump... at worst he is a distraction... an errant blip on their radar.  Tell us just what has TRUMP stopped?   The illegal alien problem?  Government spending?  Foreign wars.... they are back? Bad trade policy... is back. 

      Marxists and their Democrat allies are not restrained by the Law or the Constitution... and its checks on absolute power. Pres. Biden and men like AG Garland put their interests first, often ignoring hundreds of years of established law and process.  Look for these sorts of declarations to become standard as the Democrats begin their purge of any counter-revolutionaries. 

      Thank a Republican for their part in this matter... a barrage of rotten eggs may be the least we can do for them, anytime they appear in public.  This situation has gone beyond bad..

    • What has Trump stopped? (1) The illegal alien problem? - Yes. The number of illegals entering the country went close to zero. (2) Government spending? Yes. His tax cuts were on the verge of balancing the budget. (3) Foreign wars.... they are back? No new wars under Trump and he ended Afghanistan. (4) Bad trade policy. Not on Trump's watch. He canceled TPP, and he proved numerous times that he is the world's best negotiator when he improved things like NAFTA, something we thought could never be changed.

      Unfortunately none of this is permanent because rinos and demonrats are out to destroy Trump, Trump's legacy, America, and American patriots. 

      Wake up. Stop deriding Trump. Stop siding with demonrats and rinos. Instead, help bring Trump back into the White House so that he can make America great again. 

    • The Demonrats and the Rino's both fear Trump. Thats why the constantly trired to have him impeached, Look at the many Republicans who also joined the Democrats in trying to destroy him.Your damn right they are scared of Trump because he was going after them all. He was killing their cash cow. They feared he would expose their crimes and there are many many of them. Today they are still doing everything they can to prevent him from ever running for President again. If any one thinks the Demon Rats and Rino's are not afraid of him then all I can say to you is your missing the whole point of what these Criminals have been doing for the last 6 plus years


    • If the Democrats are fearful they certainly don't show it... nor would the FBI's and DOJ's record of arrests and prosecutions put the fear of God in them... The Democrats pretty much thumb their noses at the public and when the  FBI is compelled to come calling... they seem to avoid arrests for just about anything they do... How would that establish an environment of fear in the Democrat Party... Some people are simply self-deluded, and unable to tell reality from hopeful thinking

      As for exposing crime in the DNC/Democrat Party... that pretty much happens hourly... just how could it get any worse?  Obviously, they all have  'Get out of jail free cards" and know how to use them.

    • P/S  

      As far as destroying their CASH COW... they are way beyond a Cash Cow... they have Mega Herds of Cash Cows and are raising even more.  Can you give me the names of those Pres. Trump prosecuted and put away... make that Democrats he prosecuted and put away... We know his DOJ and FBI put away several ranking Republicans... they of course should not be tabulated as Trump prosecutions.   

      How many Democrats do you think were arrested in the January  6h event and remained in jail overnight or longer... I rest my case... none. Some how I just don't think the crooks in the DNC or Democrat party are running for cover or expect to be arrested.... maybe promoted but certainly not arrested.

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