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People need “immunity passports” if they want the economy reopened.  At least, that’s the crazy idea The Washington Post decided to push.

The Post published an insane op-ed advocating for this proposal by Vital Strategies Director of Public Health Law Aaron Schwid and Resolve to Save Lives CEO Tom Frieden.

The two authors argued that “as more and more people are vaccinated, it’s time to carefully design a system of ‘immunity passports.’” As the op-ed stated, “These passports would serve as a form of proof of immunity, allowing people who have immunity to engage in some activities others cannot.” A Big Government tracking system that is necessary to shop or travel. I think we all read about that somewhere. 

The authors were giddy that “immunity passports” were already being developed:

Immunity passports for covid-19 — although controversial for scientific, practical and ethical reasons — are already being developed. We need minimum standards to get this right.

They spewed that “we need practical and universal standards to verify who has been vaccinated.” The United States, said Schwid and Frieden, “currently uses a paper-based system (upon receiving the vaccine, people receive a coronavirus vaccination record card with basic information on it) with few security features that could serve as a trustworthy, official certificate.” Oh, but “[n]othing prevents these documents from being lost or stolen, and the opportunities for and consequences of fraud are high.” [Emphasis added.]

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  • Catherine Austin Fitts, formerly with HUD, speaks of covid as being a coup d etat.


  • Here is yet another chance to see the REAL PROBLEM that concerns ALL of us.

    What covid-19 REALLY IS


    Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taki…
    Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services,…
    • Thomas, thanks for finding this. Thought it was Chy na, Chy na, Chy na, but no, Catherine is right. It is the establishment of technocracy as our slaveholder. Everyone needs to watch this. Am still watching it. 


  • Whatever 'INSANE' op-ed that appears in the Washington Post or The New York Times is just a preview of what to expect next.

    Gates, Fauci, and the rest of New World Order psychopaths will be pushing this crap very shortly.

    Forcing the entire world to get this so-called vaccine is exactly what their plan is.

    CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the mainstream will be all over this in the next few days.

  • Just put a Jewish star on their lapel. I'm not sure I'll ever take that vaccine. I surely not gonna display any vaccine paperwork to any one. Tell that to Bill Gates.

  • Problem is if these slugs get away with this election fraud what is to stop them. Too many Americans are either braindead or just apathitic. Worry about how our kids are will fare in the future. We need to stand up. 

  • What an insane idea!  This new virus that is coming from the UK, will the original vaccination take care of that as well?  Each year people get a vaccination for the flu and when the season is over, then we find out that the vaccine was for a different strain of flu.  This is the blind leading the blind!  Actually it is more like CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL!

    • More fear mongering of a "virus" that is a hoax just like the Russian connection was a hoax. Move on! Nothing to see, except for an excuse for demonrats to control we the people.

  • These ID's will be used to control who can leave the State or enter another... and are the precursor along with Federal Drivers Licenses ... look for everyone to eventually have a Pass Port and needing to have permission to travel anywhere other than work and local/county areas.  This same ID will eventually replace cash and will likely become an implant RFID ... tracking your location 24/7.  The government will use it to control dissidents and any activity it disapproves.

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