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Most Americans hate woke politics — and most minorities don’t share “woke” priorities. Indeed, according to pollster David Shor, woke excesses are causing black voters to flee the Democratic Party. Despite endless charges of “racism,” former President Donald Trump took the biggest share of minority voters of any Republican in my lifetime.  

Woke tyrants ride high, even so; according to a Cato/YouGov poll, 62 percent of Americans self-censor their political expression. Only a tiny minority of consumers care about Mr. Potato Head’s toxic masculinity, about “Aunt Jemima” as a brand or about the #MeToo aggressions of Pepé Le Pew. Yet corporations, universities and governments rush to placate that minuscule slice of the population, trashing large chunks of our culture in the process. 

It’s happening not because anybody voted for it, but because a small but determined and vicious minority is bullying people to go along, relying on cowardice and groupthink to achieve ends that could never happen via majority vote: How do you think Dr. Seuss would have done in a referendum?

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  • people who are unemployed and homeless dont care for politicians who would rather focus on who gets in the ladies room over these matters

  • "NY Post: To defeat woke tyrants, the rest of us must treat them like the monsters they are"

    HEY! I was doing that as SOP.

  • I will ALWAYS be Fighting Against This Insanity By what ever means it takes..! I Will Always Fight For My God and My Country and WILL NOT give in to Satanic Crap Like This..! I Will NEVER Say It Is Ok..! I Will Use My 2nd Amendment Right When Nessessary To Fight Off The TYRANNY..!!!

  • When the "Mark Of The Beast" comes into play on the World Stage and The "Anti-Christ" has taken charge - Who Will Go Ahead and Take "The Mark Of The Beast" in The Forehead or The Hand..? Without The "Mark Of The Beast" No-One Will Buy, Sell Or Trade In Any Way Without Bearing The Mark..!  Will You Be Fooled- Will You Be Marked So That You Can Survive In This SATANIC World..?  I WON'T..!!! This Is EXACTLY where ALL of This INSANITY Is Leading and It IS NOT Very Far Off..!  Jesus Tells Us That We Will Not Know The Exact Hour Nor The Exact Day Of His Return For The Rapture Of The Church and Tribulation But He Does Say That You Will Know When The Time Is Near At Hand- And To Look Up For Your Redemption Draweth Nigh..!  I am looking for Him - Are You..? If You Are Not Looking For Him You WILL MISS IT..!!!

  • Actually. It's a Goebbelist COMMUNIST Revolution fashioned after Mao/Marx. There's the REAL truth for you.This is the result of ignoring it for THIRTY YEARS and EVEN NOW!!!

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