
It’s Blaz the impaler.

A banner unfurled over the Staten Island Expressway Tuesday shows New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio smirking in a Che Guevara shirt — while holding up Lady Liberty’s severed, bloody head.

“It’s what he’s doing to New York, he’s severing the head of the greatest city on earth,” said the artist behind the eye-grabbing work, Scott LoBaido.

The Staten Islander was spurred to take a stab at Hizzoner over his response to the Black Lives Matter protests raging in the Big Apple.

“New York has turned into a sh–hole because of this guy,” LoBaido said of the mayor. “He hates the true New Yorkers: police officers, firefighters… people who built this city.”

The pro-Trump artist was also angered that a blue line he painted to support of the NYPD in front of the 122nd Precinct in New Dorp Monday was vandalized with “Black Lives Matter” graffiti shortly after it was completed.

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  •  De Blasio has no right, no standing whatsoever, constitutionally or otherwise to allow, let alone justify his action of supporting those groups who desire to take down an American city and destroy the United States in the process.

    The Constitution was designed to establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility, while promoting the general (public) Welfare.  The State of New York agreed to it by ratification along with the other States (Colonies) making it the Law of the Land well over 200 years ago.  There is no right given or even implied by the document that allows a city, or a state to ignore it due to the actions of a Mayor or Govenor. All civil officers may be impeached and removed for misconduct, violations of their oath of office, or serious incompetence. Treason and high Crimes and Misdemeanors will only increase if not addressed by Law.

    De Blasio is adhering to enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, thus allowing their actions of violence to continue unabated.  This is Treason. Pure and simple. Govenor Cumo is complicit in it by his failure to effectively confront De Blasio and his criminal entourage. The news media, with few exceptions, are also aiding in Treasonous behavior.  

    Each State has the responsibility to insure safety for the general welfare of its people. All State Govenors should be appalled at these acts of lawlessness, because it affects everyone whether realized or not. Justice will only lie in the street like road kill if we let it lie.  President Trump, the Executive Branch of our Federal Government, is under continuous assault, in the attempt by criminals in high office to have him removed. This assault is unconstitutional, without merit. Yet many support the obvious attempt at a coup. 

    We are in great danger from within, from our own elected civil officials, in all walks of government.  Honesty is even now derided as foolishness.  We know absolutely that the election of November 2020 will be rigged. No doubt about it.  Why?  Because we let law enforcement die, or become so contaminated, so tainted, that it no longer even resembles righteousness.

  • Well when its true.  Its true.

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