
  • Look in a mirror for the problem Adams.

  • This fool hasn't figured out that his own Democrat party has been doing this for years.

  • ROFLMAO.....that's been going on and pushed by you Demonrats for decades and now you know it??? SMH.

  • Indeed, it is the Marxist Democrat party and you that are behind it...

  • Yeah, its called the Democrat Party, financed by George Soros.

    • We let the leftists kill the Boy Scouts, Explorers, and other conservative boys programs that built character and planted the seeds of the next generation's leaders...  We need to bring these institutions back... recruiting and engaging our youth while they are most open to character-building.  We need to stop apologizing for our nation's culture of exceptionalism... stop feeding our children and nation a diet of guilt and victimology.

    • So true

    • Yup, they have been doing it for decades. 
      Soros was pushed out of his native Hungary, they shut down the schools he financed.......that should be an example for the world! 

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