
  • Yeah like criminals will abide by that law. How stupid can you people be!!!

    • If you are a de"mock"rat - stupidity has no floor (or basement, sub-basement etc).


  • Why doesn't she tell the good citizens to stay home and be safe which is impossible we need the police officers and judges that will be more inforce and not blame others for their crime 

  • I am sure the criminals will abide by this rule.

  • PATRIOTS!.........STAY STRONG.....STAY UNITED...........WE MUST SAVE THIS COUNTRY....peacefully.


  • These people are worthless. 

  • Does that go for the cops too? 

  • I think ALL Democrats should put that sign on their front lawn, see how that works! 

    • Lightbulb!!!  Thank you Cameron. 

  • Mayor Adams is a TOTAL disappointment.  "Gun Free Zone" means lawful citizens cannot defend themselves in the created shooting gallery of "gun free zones" where criminals with illegal weapons feel free to terrorize and kill each other or innocent law abiding citizens.  B.S. on another massive scale by totalitarian edict, taking away a natural right of self defense. People actually vote for this NAZI style governance. 

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